ANNOUNCEMENT: IndiMarin joins with Biden/Harris campaign in final GOTV push!

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We're down to the wire in the most crucial election of our lifetimes. People are voting NOW. We need a landslide so that there is can be no question about the results. Are you gonna help out?

The very exciting news is that IndiMarin has been designated by the Biden/Harris campaign as one of its official call centers in these crucial final weeks! We will be calling fellow Democrats in battleground states to provide them with all of the information they need to make their PLAN TO VOTE. These are not persuasion calls - pure GOTV! The Biden/Harris campaign will be directing our team in real time to call the most strategically important state at that moment.

Please clear your decks and sign up for as many shifts as possible.

Then send
this link to your friends and encourage them to join us too. Newbies will receive all the support they need. Also, please post the link to your social media feeds.

We're counting on you. Please sign up now and sign up often.

Two minute action - Write Feinstein and Harris re Coney Barrett's confirmation process

Dear Members,

Our two Senators, Dianne Feinstein and Kamala Harris, as Ranking Member and Member of the Senate Judiciary Committee respectively, are in powerful positions to ensure that Democrats strategically manage the confirmation process for Amy Coney Barrett. The goal of Senate Democrats should be to delegitimize and slow the GOP agenda which aims to rob the American people of having a voice in the confirmation of a Supreme Court Justice. Please take two minutes and click here to send Senators Feinstein and Harris emails asking that they do their utmost to thwart the GOP effort to confirm a new Justice before inauguration.

As you know, it appears very unlikely that the needed handful of Republican Senators will stand up in support of democratic principles and vote against Coney Barrett's confirmation. Additionally, if Republicans hold together, then they can vote a Supreme Court nominee through with a simple majority.

However, Senate Republicans must first succeed in forcing a vote, which is not a given. If Senate Democrats work together to strategically use every available procedural tool and all of their power, they may be able to buy the time necessary to stop the confirmation.

According to an opinion piece in the New York Times by Adam Jentleson, former deputy chief of staff for Senator Harry Reid, "There are steps Democrats can take to apply maximum pressure, brand the process as the illegitimate farce it is and lay the groundwork for desperately needed reform that can reverse the damage early in 2021 if Democrats win in November."

The only chance of preventing Amy Coney Barrett's confirmation lies in the hands of Senate Democrats. Will they abdicate their influence by adherence to Senate protocols and norms? Or will they act boldly and strategically to delegitimize and slow the GOP's agenda to force a vote before inauguration.

Please take two minutes and click here to send Senators Feinstein and Harris emails asking that they do their utmost to thwart the GOP effort to confirm a new Justice before inauguration.


Axios - Dems feel boxed in on their strategy for Barrett Confirmation Fight
New York Times - 
Democrats Need a Plan, Fast
Washington Post - 
Democrats Debate whether to engage or withdraw
Mother Jones - 
The Left Wasn’t Ready to Fight Kavanaugh. That Isn't the Case This Time
NY Magazine - 
How the Dems Should Turn the Hearings into an anti-GOP infomercial

Stand up. Be loud. Stay strong.

The IndiMarin Steering Committee ~ Justine, Betsy, Susan S, Laurie and Susan M

"We are here. It's happening." ~ Rachel Maddow

Dear members,

Many of us have been feeling quite down this past week. The situation regarding SCOTUS, coupled with a daily news cycle dominated by scary scenarios about the outcome of the election, is overwhelming. With this sobering backdrop, we have two important messages to convey as we head into the final five weeks before the election:

For those of you who have been devoting as much time as your life circumstances allow to help Get Out The Vote (GOTV), this article from Axios, The Biden Blowout, is just what you need to be re-energized about our one and only path out of this mess - a landslide victory for Joe Biden. We’re all tired. We’ve all been working our hearts out for a long time. Between COVID and the wildfires, 2020 has sucked. There's no other word for it. Let’s take a deep collective breath, square our shoulders, and draw upon our final reserves to make this a Biden blowout!

For those of you who have not yet made the commitment to set aside as much time as your life circumstances allow to help GOTV, please consider this segment on The Rachel Maddow Show as we move into these final five weeks. This is her message to all Americans: "It’s here. We are here. It’s happening. We don’t have to wonder anymore what it would be like to live through a time like this. As individual citizens, we don’t have to wonder anymore how we would react, how we would act, what we would do for our country if our country was ever in this kind of peril. You now know what you would do for your country if your country was ever in this much danger. It’s whatever you are doing right now. What you’re doing now, what you are planning to do for the next six weeks, that’s what you are made of. That’s what you’ll be able to say you did when your country needed you."


Here are four ways to take action right now in these final weeks:

Call Voters in Battleground States
Calling voters is the most needed form of direct voter outreach in the final weeks. For a motivating sneak peek into phonebanking, watch this great video called "You Can Swing the Election" made by volunteers in Boston. Then sign up to join the IndiMarin Phone Team. We are calling Democrats in North Carolina to help them with absentee and early voting. Betsy Guthrie, our Team Leader, has developed an excellent  program which makes it easy for new volunteers to get rolling. Please join the IndiMarin Phone Team here.

Become a Friendbanker
Did you know that friend-to-friend outreach can increase turnout by as much as 13%? The exponential power of friendbanking lies in connecting with any Democrats you know in battleground states to help them get involved with the GOTV effort in their home state. Many people want to help but need to be pointed in the right direction! Read more about Friendbanking here.

Donate to Senate candidates in the closest races 
We have developed a new webpage with recommendations for the most strategic places to donate. Please consider these options for your own political giving, and share the list with those in your network.

Share the DNC’s new “I will vote” website with your personal network
Figuring out the best way to vote this year is complicated. The Democratic National Committee has rolled out an excellent website that helps people with their plan for voting no matter where they live. Please share this website with Democrats in your network, especially those in battleground states, and ask them to share it as well. Also, please post the site on your social media profiles.  

This is it. It's not a dress rehearsal. What will you do for your country?

~ The IndiMarin Steering Committee - Susan S, Justine, Laurie, Betsy, Susan M

May her memory be a revolution

Dear members,

We are all in mourning. We have lost Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg, an American icon and heroine with an extraordinary intellect and a heart of gold. She fought relentlessly for more than six decades for the ideal we hold so dear - equal justice under the law. Justice Ginsberg dictated a statement before her death: “My most fervent wish is that I will not be replaced until a new president is installed.”

According to Jewish tradition, a person who dies on Rosh Hashanah is a tzaddik, a person of great righteousness. In these High Holy Days, Jews will focus their attention on repentance and reflection of action. Similarly, during her life, Justice Ginsburg urged us to act: "Fight for the things that you care about, but do it in a way that will lead others to join you."

In her honor, we have created this video to allow us to grieve, but also to inspire our collective action. We must pick ourselves up and fight like never before, as she would want us to do.

We need four Republican Senators to oppose confirming a new Supreme Court Justice before our next President is inaugurated. The Senators most likely to do so are listed below. If you know people who reside in any of these states, please ask them to contact their Senator ASAP to oppose confirmation before inauguration. If you know people who may have contacts in those states, please reach out to them as well.

 - Lamar Alexander - 202-224-4944
Maine - Susan Collins - 202-224-2523
West Virginia - Shelly Capito - 202-224-6472
Iowa - Joni Ernst - 202-224-3524; Chuck Grassley - 202-224-3744
Utah - Mitt Romney - 202-224-5251

Postcard Team:
A dedicated person has compiled a list of Senators who made public comments in 2016 opposing a Supreme Court confirmation in advance of the 2017 inauguration. Please send a postcard to each senator reminding them of their own words. 
Click here for the scripts and addresses.

When a Jewish person has died, saying, "May her memory be for a blessing,” is customary. But in Justice Ginsburg’s case, let us say instead, “May her memory be a revolution.”

Rest in peace, our treasured "RBG." We will work our hearts out to fulfill your last wish.

~ The IndiMarin Steering Committee - Justine, Susan S, Laurie, Betsy and Susan M

IndiMarin Texting Program Takes Off! Join us tomorrow to learn more!

Hello Texters!

We are excited to report that our texting program is growing dramatically! We now have nearly 130 active texters and over 50 in our IndiMarin Slack group.

Our volunteers have enthusiastically responded to our new focus on developing a community of texters where we all help each other by sharing information, tips and success stories. In addition, the Text Team Leaders provide resources, guidance, and support. Our goal is to help our texting volunteers be as productive as possible with whatever time you have available.

JOIN US TOMORROW AT 11 AM TO LEARN MORE AT "TEXTING TUESDAY!" - Our Texting Tuesdays provide an opportunity for group members to chat about what texting we’ve been up to and ask questions. We find having a community to cheer each other on really helps us stay motivated! Sign up here.

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BE SURE TO JOIN THE INDIMARIN SLACK GROUP - It can be a bit of a maze to keep up with all of the many texting programs by yourself given the various sponsoring groups, platforms and objectives. That's why we've created an IndiMarin Slack group for our texting volunteers to compare notes. You can post about the texting you've been doing, and what you thought of it. Was it easy to learn, or complicated? Did you have a lot of good conversations? Texters can also ask questions of our leadership team, and of each other. We also provide a constantly updated list of recommended list of texting opportunities.  Please join the community of IndiMarin texters via our new Slack channel. To join, click here. 

INVITE YOUR FRIENDS TO JOIN US! Do you have friends who you think might be open to trying texting? It's all remote so doesn't matter where they live! Invite them to join by submitting this form. If you're willing to be their mentor, all the better!

Thanks to all and happy texting! 

~ IndiMarin's Team Text - Paula, Michael, Joy, Andie, Julie, Laurie and Patrice



We are very pleased and proud to let you know that IndiMarin reached an important milestone yesterday - 2,000 members! Since our beginnings as just three people in January of 2017, it's been quite a journey - alternatively exciting, tiring, frustrating, gratifying - and yet always guided by a commitment to our shared goal of a more just and compassionate America. We'd like to thank the many members of our leadership team for their dedication and tireless efforts.

On September 4th, one week from today, North Carolina will mail out their absentee ballots. Once received, people will start voting! The takeaway for us? We have NO time to lose in our efforts to win a trifecta in November. Much of our work involves contacting Democratic voters to ensure that they have the information they need to vote safely and securely.

If you are not yet active with this crucial voter outreach work, please sign up for one of our four voter outreach programs today! As President Obama said at last week's Democratic National Convention, "Don't let them take away your democracy. Make a plan right now for how you're going to get involved.”

Join Our Phone Team
Join Our Text Team
Join Our Postcard Team
Join Our Letter Writing Team

Not sure which to join? Write us at and a member of our Engagement Team will reach out to chat about the best fit for you!
If so, oin Mission for Arizona TOMORROW, Saturday, 8/29, from 2 - 4 PM PT to call Spanish speakers on Thrutalk, their automated dialer system! Sign up for the phonebank here.

Hacer llamadas es la mejor manera de conectarnos con otros votantes y hablar sobre temas que a todos nos interesan en esta elección. Hacemos llamadas para informar a la comunidad cómo registrarse para la lista permanente de votación temprana (PEVL) para poder recibir su boleta por correo temprano.

Additionally, If you are willing and able to make calls in Spanish, please email us at so that we can keep you posted on future opportunities.

Don't miss our Happy Hour on 8/3 with Dan Pfeiffer of Pod Save America

Please join IndiMarin and REsisters for the Sprint to November Happy Hour on Monday, August 3 at 6 PM. Be there as we mark the start of the 3-month countdown to the election of our lifetimes!  Sign up here for the Sprint to November Happy Hour.

Dan Pfeiffer, co-host of Pod Save America, best selling author, and long time aide to President Obama, will make a special guest appearance to kick off the event!

Pour your beverage of choice and Zoom in to learn how YOU can impact victories for Dems up and down the ballot! For the next three months, we'll be calling, texting and writing voters with the goal of achieving massive turnout. A key focus will be helping people register and sign up to vote by mail. It's pedal-to-the-metal time and we hope you'll pitch in!  Sign up here for the Sprint to November Happy Hour.

Enlist a friend - or two or three - to attend, and you'll be entered to win the newly released edition of our IndiMarin t-shirts. More friends = more chances to win.

A trifecta - the Presidency, House and Senate - is very possible if we put in the work. Let's do this! Sign up here for the Sprint to November Happy Hour.

We hope to see you there!

~ IndiMarin & REsisters

URGENT: Take action today on San Quentin COVID Outbreak

We are sharing a request for urgent action by Re:Store Justice, a collective of people who were formerly incarcerated, together with people who are currently incarcerated at San Quentin State Prison and their loved ones. We hope that our members will take these actions and stay engaged on the situation at San Quentin which is affecting the lives and welfare of so many people, as well as impacting our healthcare resources in Marin.

Below, we have pasted the entirety of an email sent today by Re:Store Justice with a list of requested actions for us to take today.

We would like to convey our thanks to Assemblymember Marc Levine and State Senator Mike McGuire for their ongoing advocacy efforts to ensure a rapid and comprehensive response to this urgent situation.

On July 2, University of California San Francisco infectious disease specialist Dr. Peter Chin-Hong told NBC Bay Area that San Quentin had become "the Chernobyl of COVID." According to a column in the SF Chronicle titled, "San Quentin coronavirus outbreak underscores California’s cruel treatment of prisoners," nearly 1,400 incarcerated people and 165 employees there have now been infected. An indication of the severity of the situation is that it is now being covered by the national news media including this segment on Rachel Maddow

Departments within UCSF and UC are recommending in an urgent memo that the state begin the process of dramatically reducing the overall prison population to below 50% of current capacity. The memo states, "It is important to note that we spoke to a number of incarcerated people who were over the age of 60 and had a matter of weeks left on their sentences. It is inconceivable that they are still in this dangerous environment."


How can you support today's action?

Join us TODAY at 12 noon PST on Facebook live at this link.

Call or email Governor Newsom's office this morning:Phone: (916) 445-2841, Public comment form; Email:

Ask him to:
- Visit San Quentin and tour the facility with press so he can bear witness to the deplorable conditions inside
- Immediately stop all transfers between California prisons and from prisons to ICE detention centers
- Begin the process of dramatically reducing the overall prison population to below 50% of current capacity, following the recommendations issued by 
UCSF Amend.

Read the full list of demands from incarcerated folks at San Quentin State Prison here.

Are you an academic, medical professional, or public health expert from a relevant institution and department?
- Review this 
Google Doc for guidelines on issuing a statement from your institution calling for mass releases without categorical exclusions.
- Sign on to this 
open letter to Governor Newsom drafted by Hadar Aviram, Professor of Law at UC Hastings.

• If you'd like to join the conversation remotely, check out our Media Toolkit.

Thank you for your commitment to social justice and health care for all!

~ The IndiMarin Steering Committee - Laurie, Susan S, Betsy, Justine and Susan M

Membership Meeting with Mike McGuire

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Please join us for a Virtual Membership Meeting on Sunday, June 28th at 3 pm. Our State Senator. Mike McGuire will join us for a discussion of local and state issues. He will update us on some key bills and provide updates from our district, including the upcoming fire season. There will also be a Q&A period. Please feel free to submit a question in advance to

Following the Senator's remarks, we will provide some updates on IndiMarin programs to help #WinBackDemcracy and ways for you to be involved in the effort. Non-members are welcome to stay or sign off for this portion of the meeting.


Honoring Juneteenth - IndiMarin's Sixth Day of Action for Racial Justice

Today is Juneteenth, a holiday that celebrates the ending of slavery in the United States. Originating in 1865, the official Juneteenth website explains that the holiday's focus has now broadened to commemorate, "Black American freedom and emphasizes education and achievement. It is a time for assessment, self-improvement and for planning the future."
Today, with our sixth "Day of Action for Racial Justice," IndiMarin honors the tradition, the significance, and the hope represented by Juneteenth.


Over the last two years, the Democratic-led House of Representatives has introduced a wide range of progressive legislation related to racial justice - including the issues of police reform, reparations, profiling, and racial disparities. These bills are outlined in a recent post on Medium, by our Congressman, Jared Huffman, entitled "Black Lives Matter: Legislative Action I'm taking to Fight for Justice."

There, he writes, "Systemic racism and injustices against black people and communities of color have been tolerated in this country for far too long. I hope this is our moment of reckoning: a chance for Americans to finally confront our original sin of racism and change the systems and policies that have perpetuated it. The kind of systemic change we need will not be easy. It requires a focused, sustained effort by all of us, in solidarity with and spearheaded by people of color." We are grateful to Congressman Huffman, who has been a strong supporter of these crucial bills. If passed, they will be significant steps forward in the fight for racial justice.

However, in a close review of the legislation introduced by the House,  the IndiMarin Steering Committee noted a lack of attention to the unique issues faced by Black women and girls and Black individuals who are not cisgender. Both of these groups face extremely high levels of discrimination and violence. We believe strongly that their respective issues and needs must receive as much focus as that of cisgender Black men and boys.


Contact Congressman Huffman via phone at (415) 258-9657 or via an email to his website. You can use this template for messaging as desired.

Let the Congressman know that you would like him to take two actions to rectify the lack of attention in the House's legislative agenda to the unique issues faced by Black women and girls, as well as by transgender, gender nonconforming, and nonbinary Black people.

1) Offer himself as an ally with other members to establish a "Commission on the Social Status of Black Women and Girls Act" to parallel the work of the proposed "Commission on the Social Status of Black Men and Boys Actwhich was introduced by Congresswoman Frederica Wilson.

2) Work together with Congresswoman Wilson and other congressional allies to add language to the bills for both Commissions indicating that issues related to transgender, gender non-conforming, and non-binary individuals will be included in the review process and recommendations.

Thank you for taking action to help ensure that progress on racial justice is inclusive of all Black people no matter their gender or sexual orientation!


In the award-winning documentary, "13th," filmmaker Ava DuVernay explores the history of racial inequality in the United States, focusing on the fact that the nation's prisons are disproportionately filled with African-Americans. This film is difficult yet essential viewing for all people engaged in the fight for racial justice. Netflix has made it available to all. Official trailer.

Happy Juneteenth to all those united in the fight for racial justice!

~ The IndiMarin Steering Committee - Laurie, Susan S, Betsy, Justine and Susan M

Act to pass and fully fund CA's CRISES Act!

Today is our fourth Day of Action for Racial Justice. Thank you for your ongoing participation and support!

Take action today to support the passage and full funding of AB 2054, the Community Response Initiative to Strengthen Emergency Systems (C.R.I.S.E.S.) Act. This bill will fundamentally improve emergency responses for vulnerable populations in California by strengthening, expanding and promoting community-based responses to emergency situations. 

Currently, in California, law enforcement officers respond to emergencies that would be better addressed by community organizations with trained peer support experts, mental health providers, or crisis counselors.  As the growing conversation around police brutality and Black Lives Matter demonstrates, the presence of armed officers can unfortunately quickly escalate a crisis. In worst case scenarios, officers use force in response to a person in crisis, resulting in unnecessary and unjust deaths and serious bodily injury to those who simply need the care and support of trained professionals. 

1)  Alliance for Boys and Men of Color has created this action to support AB 2054. Click  here to automatically email Governor Gavin Newsom, Speaker of the Assembly Anthony Rendon and the Budget Chair Assemblymember Ting.

2) Contact our assemblymember, Marc Levine, via phone at (415) 479-4920 or via an email to his website. You can use this template for messaging as desired. In an email to constituents on June 9, the Assemblymember affirmed that Black lives matter, and stated, "We are not hopeless. We can take action. We can work together to end systematic racism against African Americans and we can take action to prevent the killing of African Americans by law enforcement.....I welcome your suggestions and a respectful, open and meaningful conversation about actions we can take to ensure African Americans can live with dignity, respect and equality." Let's take him at his word.

Black Voters Matter - Day Three in IndiMarin's "Week of Action for Racial Justice"

It is Day #3 of IndiMarin's "Week of Action for Racial Justice." Thus far, we have received a tremendous response from members regarding this initiative and are inspired by the levels of participation. Thank you for being committed allies in the Black Lives Matters movement.


Voter suppression is alive and well in America, as was evidenced in Georgia yesterday by appalling delays at polling locations in Black communities. Please take action today to increase the number of Americans who are ACTIVELY ENGAGED in outreach to Black voters to assist them in both registering and signing up to vote by mail. Black voices must be fairly represented in November!

At Indivisible Marin, we have been writing and calling voters in suppression states for over a year. Recently, our small, but intrepid, phonebank team made calls to Georgia in advance of yesterday's primary to help voters get registered to vote by mail. More callers = more calls  = more votes by people of color. Let's grow our numbers!

1) Invite one or more like-minded friends in Marin to attend our Virtual Open House this Saturday, 6/13 from 11 AM - 12 PM. Then, continue to mentor your friends as they get started with voter outreach work. You can use this template to email friends as desired.

2) Donate $10 or to Black Voters Matter. It describes its mission as follows: "Our goal to increase power in our communicates. Effective voting allows a community to determine its own destiny." 


SUGGESTED READING RELATED TO BLACK VOTERS MATTER6/9 - NYT - I Refuse Not to Be Heard’: Georgia in Uproar Over Voting Meltdown
6/9 - CNN - Voter registration grows amid ongoing protests
6/3 - NYT - Historic Wins for Women of Color as Nation Protests Systemic Racism
6/3 - NYT -
Black Voters Are Coming For Trump

Thank you for stepping up to the moment. Keep watch for the Day 4 Action tomorrow!

In Solidarity,
The IndiMarin Steering Committee - Laurie, Susan S, Betsy, Justine and Susan M

Day Two in IndiMarin's Week of Action for Racial Justice - Demand Justice For Breonna Taylor!

It is Day #2 of IndiMarin's Week of Action for Racial Justice. Throughout the week, we will send you a concrete action that you can take each day to support the goals of the Black Lives Matter movement. Some actions, like yesterday's, will involve contacting elected officials at the local, state and federal level. Others, like today's, will involve ways for us, as individuals, to learn, better empathize, and become stronger allies in the movement.


Breonna Taylor, a 26-year-old Black woman and an EMT who lived her life on the frontlines as an essential worker, was shot to death while asleep in her home in Louisville, KY. Three police officers with no warrant broke down her door and took her life. Nearly three months after these officers killed her, they have faced no consequences and are still employed by the LMPD.

Indivisible Marin supports Color of Change in calling for Louisville Mayor Greg Fischer to IMMEDIATELY fire the three police officers. 


1) Sign this petition.
2) Email the Mayor's Office to demand #JusticeforBre. You can use this script if desired.

Let’s honor Breonna and hold the officers responsible for this tragedy accountable!


Breonna's boyfriend, Kenneth Walker, thought someone was burglarizing their home when the officers broke down the door unannounced. He fired his gun to defend himself. But in turn, the officers responded with a round of bullets that killed Bre. It turns out that the police were at the wrong house. There was no search warrant that gave them the right to be there in the first place. A recent lawsuit filed against the officers reveals that police were actually searching for another person more than 10 miles away, who had already been arrested that morning. An investigation by the FBI is underway regarding criminal charges.


SUGGESTED READING RELATED TO BLACK LIVES MATTER 6/8 - New York Times - What Would Efforts to Defund or Disband Police Departments Really Mean?
6/8 - Opinion piece in the NYT by Michelle Alexander - America, This Is Your Chance

Thank you for stepping up to the moment. Keep watch for the Day 3 Action tomorrow!

In Solidarity,
The IndiMarin Steering Committee - Laurie, Susan S, Betsy, Justine and Susan M

TIME-SENSITIVE - TAKE ACTION BY 3:30 TODAY - Oppose the Sheriff’s budget proposal!

As described in our founding mission statement, “Indivisible Marin is a community of citizens committed to protecting American values of inclusion, equality and justice.” A key operating principle for us is to use the influence that we have, as constituents, with our elected officials to effect structural change.

Today, we are kicking off a “Week of Action for Racial Justice.” Each day this week, we will send you a concrete action that you can take to further the goals of the Black Lives Matter movement. These actions will involve contacting elected officials at the local, state and federal level. Others will involve ways for us as individuals to learn and become stronger allies in the movement.


Support our partner, 
ICE Out Of Marin, in its call for the Marin County Board of Supervisors to oppose the Sheriff’s budget proposal for an increase in funding. The Board of Supervisors will be considering the 2020-2021 budget at their monthly meeting which starts at 9 AM. 

In a sign-on letter to the Board, ICE Out of Marin states:
“We call on the Board of Supervisors to recognize that it is time to shift funds from the Sheriff’s department into other areas of the county’s budget that truly promote public health and community safety. We call on the Board of Supervisors to require far more public-facing transparency than is currently available in the Chief Administrative Officer’s budget document, so that members of the community can participate in a meaningful discussion and decision-making process about how our taxes are actually being spent. Full text of letter here. 


Please email your comments to no later than the deadline of 3:30 PM TODAY. Include in your email that you are writing regarding Agenda Item #9, as well as your name and address. If you like, please identify yourself as a member of Indivisible Marin. Emailed comments will be forwarded to the Board of Supervisors and will be placed into the public record. You may use this template email or write your own. 


Our Board of Supervisors oversees the budget for the Sheriff’s department. Tomorrow, they will be presenting their proposed budget for 2020-21. In that budget, in a time when every single department is being called upon to cut costs, our Sheriff’s budget is increasing. The Sheriff’s budget shows both a $3.3 million decline in revenue and a $3.3 million increase in costs, meaning that our Sheriff’s Department is asking for $6.6 million from the county in a time of massive cost cutting.  


Watch the meeting at 9 AM tomorrow, 6/9. 
Viewing options include via the Board of Supervisors’ website or on Comcast Channel 27 or AT&T Channel 99.

Comment during the meeting: During the meeting, when it is time for public expression, you may make a comment when the specific agenda item is considered by the Board. There will be a time limit set for the comment period by the Board President. Your comments will also become part of the public record.

Participate via Zoom
Visit ID: 947 4251 8384
Password: 352 533
Use the "Raise Hand" button to inform the moderator that you would like to comment.

Participate by phone:

Dial (669) 900-6833, Meeting ID: 947 4251 8384. Press *9 at the appropriate time to make a comment.

Thank you for stepping up to the moment.

Keep watch for the Day 2 Action tomorrow.

In Solidarity,
The IndiMarin Steering Committee - Laurie, Susan S, Betsy, Justine and Susan M

A letter from the IndiMarin Steering Committee - Our nation is in crisis. How can we make a difference?

Dear members,

We are writing you today with sad hearts and angry spirits. Our country is facing three massive crises. We would like share with you our thoughts on how Indivisible Marin, and we, as individuals, can play a role in finding solutions.

At the forefront of our minds are the tragic murders of George Floyd, Breonna Taylor, Ahmad Arbrey, and so many other African Americans by racists - racists who often happen to also be police officers. According to Campaign Zeroover 1,000 people are killed by police every year in America. It is time to face up to the level of extreme and systemic racism in our country and take concrete action.

Concurrently, an unprecedented pandemic has killed over 100,000 Americans. It is endangering our front-line workers and bringing extreme economic hardship to millions of people, especially those already living close to the poverty line who are now unable to secure even basic life necessities.  

The third crisis is, of course, the destructive and democracy-eroding power of the depraved fascist and oligarch who occupies our White House. Spewing hatred, bigotry and ignorance on a daily basis, he fans the flames of polarization and anti-science, thereby dramatically increasing the death toll of the pandemic, the level of systemic racism and countless other injuries to our planet and its people.

Kareem Abdul-Jabbar eloquently expressed the interconnection of these crises in an op-ed in yesterday's LA Times. "COVID-19 has been slamming the consequences of all that home as we die at a significantly higher rate than whites, are the first to lose our jobs, and watch helplessly as Republicans try to keep us from voting. Just as the slimy underbelly of institutional racism is being exposed, it feels like hunting season is open on blacks. If there was any doubt, President Trump’s recent tweets confirm the national zeitgeist as he calls protesters “thugs” and looters fair game to be shot."

IndiMarin's response:
Indivisible Marin stands in solidarity with Black Lives MatterColor of ChangeBlack Voters MatterCampaign Zero and all other partners in the movement. Given our mission of working with elected officials to effect progressive change, we have decided to align specifically with the work of Campaign Zerodata-informed platform which presents comprehensive solutions to end police violence in America. It integrates community demands, and policy recommendations from research organizations and President Obama's Task Force on 21st Century Policing. We plan to call on our state and federal representatives to take immediate action to adopt data-driven policy solutions to end this violence and hold police accountable.  If enough phones ring off the hooks in governmental offices across the country, this issue will take on greater urgency for lawmakers.

Further, we will continue, with tenacity and fortitude, our crucial voter outreach work in advance of the November elections. We choose campaigns that 1) have the most strategic importance toward the goal of a trifecta in Washington and/or 2) increase the representation of people of color at the polls through outreach to disenfranchised voters who are at risk of having their vote suppressed. 

In an article in Medium today, former President Obama writes, "The point of protest is to raise public awareness, to put a spotlight on injustice and to make the powers that be uncomfortable; in fact, throughout American history, it's often only been in response to protest and civil disobedience that the political systems has even paid attention to marginalized communities. But, eventually, aspirations have to be translated into specific laws and institutional practices - and, in a democracy, that only happens when when we elect officials who are responsive to our demands."

How you can help:

1) Donate to Campaign Zero or any of the other organizations listed above.
2) Commit to calling your elected officials at the state and federal level. Later this week, we will send you materials with contact information and talking points. Please watch for an email with the subject "Advocate to end systemic racism."

3) Sign up for as many of our voter outreach events as you can fit into your schedule. Making phone calls to voters is particularly needed since we are primarily working on helping sign up Democrats to vote by mail. The information is often a bit complex, so is best done via an interactive conversation. Visit our phone bank page here and our calendar page here to sign up and engage in this important work.
Volunteer by volunteer, voice by voice and vote by vote, we will win in November and begin to repair our country and democracy.

Thank you for stepping up to the moment.

In Solidarity,
The IndiMarin Steering Committee - Laurie, Susan S, Betsy, Justine and Susan M

May 16 Newsletter: A big week! Huffman, Beto and Kyra (Sedgwick that is)

With just 171 days to go before the election, things are rockin' here at IndiMarin. And this week, we get to do some name-dropping as well. We have a very special guest at our upcoming membership meeting, and two new "star-studded" voter outreach programs to tell you about. So here goes. We hope that you will join us for them all!

First, we are very pleased to announce that Congressman Jared Huffman will be the guest speaker at our Virtual Membership Meeting on Friday, 5/22 at 4 PM. He will provide updates on congressional actions related to COVID relief efforts, election protection, and maintaining the post office; as well as  his new housing bill, the COVID-19 SHELTER Act of 2020. There will be a Q&A period following by some updates from IndiMarin leaders on programs to help #WinBackDemocracy and ways for you to be involved in the effort. Zoom limits the number of participants to 100. Please sign up soon to be sure to reserve a spot. After this advance notification to our members, we plan to invite members of all activist groups in Marin. Sign up here.

In another exciting announcement, IndiMarin is launching a new program to write to voters, in addition to our popular and successful postcard program. We will now also be writing letters to voters as part of the The Big Send campaign sponsored by with Swing Left and Vote Forward.  The goal of The Big Send is to mail 10 million letters to swing state voters who are historically underrepresented and unlikely to vote. Letter writers will add personal messages on the letters about why they vote. Watch this great animated video with voiceovers by Kyra Sedgewick and Kevin Bacon to learn more.

We have a two-step launch planned. First, join a national letter-writing event with Kyra Sedgwick and Kathryn Hahn, committed activists and accomplished actors, to hand write letters to potential voters asking them to vote in critical elections. Sign up for the national event with Kyra and Kathryn here. Then, join IndiMarin's kick-off letter writing event to learn the nuts and bolts of how our members can  to get involved in this great program! Sign up for the IndiMarin launch here.

Lastly, we have another fun opportunity to phonebank with Beto O'Rourke on both Monday, May 18 from 4:30 - 7:00 PM Pacific Time and Thursday at the same time. His new organization, Powered by People, is dedicated to registering hundreds of thousands of Democrats who have moved to Texas but are not yet registered to vote.

Sign up for the Monday phonebank here and for the Thursday phonebank here. Note that the times listed are Central Time.
Many of our members participated last week and really enjoyed the calls. Not only is it pretty cool to be in a Zoom phonebank with Beto who is super engaged and and interactive with the volunteers, but also the people we are calling in Texas have been a friendly bunch as well.

 To participate, you must attend a 30 minute training led by Powered by People. They have a wide range of times for the training including six time slots before the Monday phonebank. Sign up to attend a training here.

Thank you for your commitment to helping those in need in our country, and to protecting the essence of our democracy - the right to vote!

URGENT! Write or call Congressman Huffman today!

Dear members,

The House Of Representatives will be drafting the fourth COVID relief bill over the next several days. Once it is drafted, it is harder to make changes. 

Please call or write Representative Huffman TODAY and ask that he personally advocate for a draft bill with a "People’s Agenda" - one that includes financial aid, public health protections, and the widest access to voting via the USPS. We also are asking that he vote NO on any bill that does not contain these provisions. 

Indivisible chapters across the country are contacting their representatives with the same request.

1) Click here for an easy, automated letter to send. The full text of the letter is below or you can customize your letter within the form.

2) Calling is a very impactful way to make your voice heard. The script and phone numbers are below. Or just speak from your heart. 

Thank you for your commitment to helping those in need in our country, and to protecting the essence of our democracy - the right to vote!

In Solidarity,
The IndiMarin Steering Committee - Laurie, Susan S, Betsy, Justine and Susan M



The Trump administration’s response to the COVID-19 epidemic hasn’t done nearly enough to help working people, or to protect our right to vote. Together with Indivisible Marin, I am asking that you personally advocate for a draft bill with a "People’s Agenda" - one that includes financial aid, public health protections, and the widest access to voting via the USPS. I also ask that you vote NO on any bill that does not contain these provisions.

San Rafael Office: (415) 258-9657 
Washington DC Office: (202) 225-5161

Full text of template letter

Dear Representative Huffman, 

The Trump administration’s response to the COVID-19 epidemic hasn’t done nearly enough to help working people, or to protect our right to vote. Together with Indivisible Marin, I am asking that you personally advocate for a draft bill with a "People’s Agenda" - one that includes financial aid, public health protections, and the widest access to voting via the USPS. I also ask that you vote NO on any bill that does not contain these provisions.

We are especially concerned that Congress protects our right to vote by including $4 billion in the next relief bill to allow all Americans to vote-by-mail, as well as provide safety at the polls. The bill should include both oversight of spending and requirements that money be spent to enable voting access and accurate vote counting. We also ask that Congress provide funding to secure The United States Postal Service. 

Democrats must ensure the next package provides relief to every person in this country, regardless of tax or immigration status, age or disability, and they must vote against it if it does not.

Action on these issues is already late. Please speak out and use all of your influence to have Congress allocate that $4 billion toward ensuring safe and secure elections in the next COVID-19 relief bill.

Thank you for representing our district so well in Washington!

We're excited to announce that IndiMarin will now be hosting our own virtual phonebanks! Feedback from our recent session was excellent. Participants said they enjoyed the relatively small group size which allowed for personalized support, as well as a sense of camaraderie with other members. If you come regularly, you'll get to know like-minded people who, like you, are passionate about winning back democracy!

We'll be calling voters in various battleground states to help them get registered. Prior experience or training via our 1:1 coaching sessions is ideal. Sign up here.
Other options for making phone calls to voters include:
*** For 1:1 coaching for newbies, sign up here. Come one, come all!
*** For future phonebank dates, check our calendar.
*** To make calls on your own schedule, visit our phonebanks page for a list of options including making calls for Joe Biden.

VOTE AT HOME! - Neither a pandemic, a political party, nor a president should be allowed to take away Americans right to vote. And time is running out for Congress to act. We must advocate strenuously for $4 billion toward ensuring safe and secure elections in the next COVID-19 relief bill, including funding to keep the U.S. Postal Service in operation. Visit to learn more about about the facts and the fight to protect our November elections.

IndiMarin has created an easy form with which you can send a letter to Congressman Huffman in just a few minutes. In the letter, we ask with urgency that he advocate for Congress to fund $4 billion in the next COVID relief bill to protect our right to vote. Click here to send your letter to Congressman Huffman.


New Phone Banking Program!

It's been quite a whirlwind over the past two months as we've reworked all of our voter outreach programming for our newly virtual lives!  As part of this process, we had decided to partner with Democracy Action initially for our virtual phonebanks, since they had more group training experience than we did.  

However, now we are up to speed! We will now be hosting our own events!
Betsy Guthrie will be our lead trainer and will be supported by a number of highly capable coaches who will be on hand to provide individualized support to participants, as desired.

Our first IndiMarin phonebanks are tomorrow at 3 - 5 PM and Sunday at 3 -5 PM. We will be calling for Chisty Smith at both.
Sign up for Wednesday here and Sunday here.

The benefits of holding our own IndiMarin phonebanks include:

*** Smaller group size which enable more personalized support by the coaching staff

*** Increased camaraderie and sense of community since we are more likely to know other people on the call. As the weeks go by, we will be able to develop a great esprit de coeur as our ranks of phonebankers grow.

We also have "self-serve" opportunities to make calls according to your own schedule. Check our phonebank webpage for details.

Updates on Voter Outreach Opportunities

At our Virtual Membership Meeting on Sunday, the IndiMarin leadership team laid out our strategy to help YOU have impact on the outcome on November 3. If you missed the meeting, hope you will watch the presentation or review the slides. We have heard from many of those who attended that they were inspired and energized to get more involved in voter outreach as a result of what they heard. The resulting increase in event and training sign-ups are exciting indicators that this feedback is translating into action. You can sign up for upcoming voter outreach events on our calendar and for 1:1 training in phonebanking and textbanking.

TOMORROW - We are excited to let you know about a special phonebanking event tomorrow from 2 -5 PM hosted by Indivisible California. Together with Indivisible volunteers from around the country, we’ll be making calls for congressional candidate Christy Smith for the Special Election on May 12th in CA-25.  This is a hugely important CA district! We have the special opportunity of having Christy speak to us at the start of the call. Then we’ll have a brief training and start making calls.  RSVP here.

If you are new to phonebanking or a bit rusty, join us anyway! It will be a great first step. You can always hop off if you’re needing more instruction and set up a 1:1 session later.
If you have already been trained, or have prior experience, you can also make calls for Christy on your own at your convenience.
Sign up here.

WORTH ITS WEIGHT IN GOLD - OUTREACH TO FRIENDS IN RED STATES...OR ANYWHERE! -Research shows that the most effective form of voter outreach is relational organizing. Simply put, relational organizing means outreach to people you know. Getting encouragement from a friend who is engaged in the work is a powerful motivator. Please take action to enlist people in your network to help with the work needed for Dems to win in November.

We've made it easy:

  • Reach out to "non-Marin" friends and family who are like-minded. You can use this template email, send a text or pick up the phone. Now is a great time to connect with people!

  • Red state contacts are especially valuable

  • Share with them about your efforts and ask whether they’d like to get involved

  • Options for involvement include calling their members of Congress and volunteering for voter outreach work.

  • Invite them to join Indivisible Anywhere via our website

  • We send them e-newsletters with ideas and details to have impact from home

We send all good thoughts to you and your families during these difficult times.