May her memory be a revolution

Dear members,

We are all in mourning. We have lost Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg, an American icon and heroine with an extraordinary intellect and a heart of gold. She fought relentlessly for more than six decades for the ideal we hold so dear - equal justice under the law. Justice Ginsberg dictated a statement before her death: “My most fervent wish is that I will not be replaced until a new president is installed.”

According to Jewish tradition, a person who dies on Rosh Hashanah is a tzaddik, a person of great righteousness. In these High Holy Days, Jews will focus their attention on repentance and reflection of action. Similarly, during her life, Justice Ginsburg urged us to act: "Fight for the things that you care about, but do it in a way that will lead others to join you."

In her honor, we have created this video to allow us to grieve, but also to inspire our collective action. We must pick ourselves up and fight like never before, as she would want us to do.

We need four Republican Senators to oppose confirming a new Supreme Court Justice before our next President is inaugurated. The Senators most likely to do so are listed below. If you know people who reside in any of these states, please ask them to contact their Senator ASAP to oppose confirmation before inauguration. If you know people who may have contacts in those states, please reach out to them as well.

 - Lamar Alexander - 202-224-4944
Maine - Susan Collins - 202-224-2523
West Virginia - Shelly Capito - 202-224-6472
Iowa - Joni Ernst - 202-224-3524; Chuck Grassley - 202-224-3744
Utah - Mitt Romney - 202-224-5251

Postcard Team:
A dedicated person has compiled a list of Senators who made public comments in 2016 opposing a Supreme Court confirmation in advance of the 2017 inauguration. Please send a postcard to each senator reminding them of their own words. 
Click here for the scripts and addresses.

When a Jewish person has died, saying, "May her memory be for a blessing,” is customary. But in Justice Ginsburg’s case, let us say instead, “May her memory be a revolution.”

Rest in peace, our treasured "RBG." We will work our hearts out to fulfill your last wish.

~ The IndiMarin Steering Committee - Justine, Susan S, Laurie, Betsy and Susan M