"We are here. It's happening." ~ Rachel Maddow

Dear members,

Many of us have been feeling quite down this past week. The situation regarding SCOTUS, coupled with a daily news cycle dominated by scary scenarios about the outcome of the election, is overwhelming. With this sobering backdrop, we have two important messages to convey as we head into the final five weeks before the election:

For those of you who have been devoting as much time as your life circumstances allow to help Get Out The Vote (GOTV), this article from Axios, The Biden Blowout, is just what you need to be re-energized about our one and only path out of this mess - a landslide victory for Joe Biden. We’re all tired. We’ve all been working our hearts out for a long time. Between COVID and the wildfires, 2020 has sucked. There's no other word for it. Let’s take a deep collective breath, square our shoulders, and draw upon our final reserves to make this a Biden blowout!

For those of you who have not yet made the commitment to set aside as much time as your life circumstances allow to help GOTV, please consider this segment on The Rachel Maddow Show as we move into these final five weeks. This is her message to all Americans: "It’s here. We are here. It’s happening. We don’t have to wonder anymore what it would be like to live through a time like this. As individual citizens, we don’t have to wonder anymore how we would react, how we would act, what we would do for our country if our country was ever in this kind of peril. You now know what you would do for your country if your country was ever in this much danger. It’s whatever you are doing right now. What you’re doing now, what you are planning to do for the next six weeks, that’s what you are made of. That’s what you’ll be able to say you did when your country needed you."


Here are four ways to take action right now in these final weeks:

Call Voters in Battleground States
Calling voters is the most needed form of direct voter outreach in the final weeks. For a motivating sneak peek into phonebanking, watch this great video called "You Can Swing the Election" made by volunteers in Boston. Then sign up to join the IndiMarin Phone Team. We are calling Democrats in North Carolina to help them with absentee and early voting. Betsy Guthrie, our Team Leader, has developed an excellent  program which makes it easy for new volunteers to get rolling. Please join the IndiMarin Phone Team here.

Become a Friendbanker
Did you know that friend-to-friend outreach can increase turnout by as much as 13%? The exponential power of friendbanking lies in connecting with any Democrats you know in battleground states to help them get involved with the GOTV effort in their home state. Many people want to help but need to be pointed in the right direction! Read more about Friendbanking here.

Donate to Senate candidates in the closest races 
We have developed a new webpage with recommendations for the most strategic places to donate. Please consider these options for your own political giving, and share the list with those in your network.

Share the DNC’s new “I will vote” website with your personal network
Figuring out the best way to vote this year is complicated. The Democratic National Committee has rolled out an excellent website that helps people with their plan for voting no matter where they live. Please share this website with Democrats in your network, especially those in battleground states, and ask them to share it as well. Also, please post the site on your social media profiles.  

This is it. It's not a dress rehearsal. What will you do for your country?

~ The IndiMarin Steering Committee - Susan S, Justine, Laurie, Betsy, Susan M