Two minute action - Write Feinstein and Harris re Coney Barrett's confirmation process

Dear Members,

Our two Senators, Dianne Feinstein and Kamala Harris, as Ranking Member and Member of the Senate Judiciary Committee respectively, are in powerful positions to ensure that Democrats strategically manage the confirmation process for Amy Coney Barrett. The goal of Senate Democrats should be to delegitimize and slow the GOP agenda which aims to rob the American people of having a voice in the confirmation of a Supreme Court Justice. Please take two minutes and click here to send Senators Feinstein and Harris emails asking that they do their utmost to thwart the GOP effort to confirm a new Justice before inauguration.

As you know, it appears very unlikely that the needed handful of Republican Senators will stand up in support of democratic principles and vote against Coney Barrett's confirmation. Additionally, if Republicans hold together, then they can vote a Supreme Court nominee through with a simple majority.

However, Senate Republicans must first succeed in forcing a vote, which is not a given. If Senate Democrats work together to strategically use every available procedural tool and all of their power, they may be able to buy the time necessary to stop the confirmation.

According to an opinion piece in the New York Times by Adam Jentleson, former deputy chief of staff for Senator Harry Reid, "There are steps Democrats can take to apply maximum pressure, brand the process as the illegitimate farce it is and lay the groundwork for desperately needed reform that can reverse the damage early in 2021 if Democrats win in November."

The only chance of preventing Amy Coney Barrett's confirmation lies in the hands of Senate Democrats. Will they abdicate their influence by adherence to Senate protocols and norms? Or will they act boldly and strategically to delegitimize and slow the GOP's agenda to force a vote before inauguration.

Please take two minutes and click here to send Senators Feinstein and Harris emails asking that they do their utmost to thwart the GOP effort to confirm a new Justice before inauguration.


Axios - Dems feel boxed in on their strategy for Barrett Confirmation Fight
New York Times - 
Democrats Need a Plan, Fast
Washington Post - 
Democrats Debate whether to engage or withdraw
Mother Jones - 
The Left Wasn’t Ready to Fight Kavanaugh. That Isn't the Case This Time
NY Magazine - 
How the Dems Should Turn the Hearings into an anti-GOP infomercial

Stand up. Be loud. Stay strong.

The IndiMarin Steering Committee ~ Justine, Betsy, Susan S, Laurie and Susan M