Too close for comfort! - Please help STOP THE RECALL with IndiMarin!

On September 14th, Californians will go to the polls to decide whether or not to recall our governor, Gavin Newsom. Mail in voting begins on August 17, a mere 18 days away, and in person early voting begins September 4th.

Things are looking increasingly dicey for the governor. A poll released on Tuesday found that 47% of likely voters would recall Newsom on 9/14, compared to 50% who would keep him in office — a difference just shy of the poll’s margin of error. The near-even split hinges on the category “likely voters”: Although California has nearly twice as many registered Democrats as it does Republicans, the poll found a whopping 87% of GOP voters are highly interested in the recall, compared to just 58% of Democrats and 53% of no party preference voters.  It is essential that we mobilize more Democratic voters and ensure that they vote.

Join us, and other allied groups, in a massive GOTV (Get Out the Vote) effort with a short and clear message: VOTE NO ON THE RECALL!  There are MANY ways to help - writing postcards, making calls, texting and door-knocking. Click here to join IndiMarin's STOP THE RECALL Team! By doing so, you will be kept in the loop on the evolving range of opportunities to help.

Please also join us for IndiMarin's STOP THE RECALL Action Day on Sunday, August 8 at 4 PM. It promises to be a great way to enjoy an ice cold lemonade or a glass of wine outdoors, chat with other members, and do some good all at the same time! We'll be writing postcards and updating you on additional ways to help. Please consider bringing a friend. RSVP here.

Thank you. Let's keep California BLUE!

The IndiMarin Steering Committee - Laurie, Joy, Betty, Betsy, Justine, Susan S, Nanda and Susan M

Take just 30 seconds (really) for democracy

Dear Members,

We don't tend to share petitions as they are often a tactic by organizations to build their email list. But this petition relates to an emergency for our country. And it takes just a second to unsubscribe if you are added to a list.

Here's the deal: If we don't pass the For the People Act by the end of August, Democrats almost certainly lose control of our government for the next decade. Really. And if Dems lose control, all of the causes for which we are fighting - voting rights, racial and economic justice, the existential climate crisis and more - are dead in the water. Our democracy will become an autocracy led by overt or latent white supremacists. SIGN THE PETITION HERE.

If you can spare any more time and are not currently active in our work at Indivisible Marin, please jump back in and get involved in any of the programs below to help pass the For the People Act. This bill is crucial to stopping this dangerous trend toward autocracy in its tracks!

Become an IndiMarin Phonebanker OR if you've already called with us, sign up for a shift.

Become an IndiMarin Writer OR if you've already written with us, order more addresses.

Become an IndiMarin Texter OR, if you've already texted, sign up for one of many shifts.

Check our calendar page for further option to help pass the For the People Act.

Together, we can save our democracy!

~ The IndiMarin Steering Committee - Nanda, Betsy, Laurie, Joy, Betty, Susan S, Justine and Susan M

"When you see something that is not right, you must say something. You must do something. Democracy is not a state. It is an act, and each generation must do its part to help build what we called the Beloved Community, a nation and world society at peace with itself." ~ John Lewis

DON'T MISS - Two key events this weekend!

Dear members,

American democracy is at a critical moment. It has been six months since the insurrection at our Capitol. Anti-voter laws are running rampant nationwide. Recent Supreme Court rulings undermine voting rights and limit states ability to require large donors to disclose their campaign contributions. And further partisan gerrymandering threatens the fairness of our elections for the next decade.


Please join with members of the Marin community at Corte Madera Town Park this Saturday, July 17, from 7:30 - 8:30 PM for a “Good Trouble Vigil for Democracy.” Saturday is the one year mark of the passing of Congressman John Lewis. Candlelight vigils honoring John Lewis’ legacy will take place on Saturday across the country to call attention to the urgent need for Congress to pass the “For The People” Voting Rights Act before their August recess. Please RSVP here so that you will receive real time updates on all details and so organizers are able to anticipate the potential crowd size.

The vigil will be hosted locally by Democracy Action Marin, Indivisible Marin, and Indivisible Sausalito. Together, we will honor his legacy with candles and music, hearing from local leaders, and raising our voices to tell Congress that the American people are showing up to demand a democracy for the people! Please invite your friends and family and spread the word on social media. Our democracy is at stake!

On a lighter note, please join IndiMarin on Sunday, July 18 at 4 PM for our TOGETHER AGAIN Backyard Social. After 15 months of remote teamwork, it will be very special to mingle, reconnect and socialize with our wonderful communityMany of us will have our first "real-world" meetings with people we've zoomed with for the last year! There will be opportunities to chat with our Team Leaders and stop by information tables to learn more about our current programs. But, most importantly of all, it will be a time to enjoy and celebrate our community of like-minded people who choose action over to help our country and its people. Assorted snacks and beverages will be provided. Friends and family members of all ages are welcome! Sign up here.

Thank you for all you do to help protect our democracy and build a create a more just, caring and inclusive America!

The IndiMarin Steering Committee - Betsy, Laurie, Joy, Betty, Nanda Susan S, Justine and Susan M

Together Again

The last time IndiMarin members met in person was on March 8, 2020. Now, 564 days later, we will be TOGETHER AGAIN! We hope you will join us for this very special event to mingle, reconnect and socialize with our wonderful community. Many of us will have our first "real-world" meetings with people we've zoomed with for the last year! Assorted snacks and beverages provided. Sign up here.

There will be opportunities to meet our Team Leaders and stop by information tables to learn more about our current programs. But, most importantly of all, it will be a time to enjoy and celebrate our community of like-minded people who reject complacency and choose action to help our country and its people. Friends and family members of all ages are welcome!

Second, the urgent part:


Please send Senator Feinstein a personal note via US mail this week. We've been told by staffers that she often reads handwritten notes from constituents. A postcard, notecard, stationary or a piece of printer paper all work fine.

Yesterday was the first day of Deadline for Democracy, a cross-movement mobilization during the July Congressional Recess to demand that lawmakers act urgently to defend democracy and pass the For the People Act by the end August. While Senator Padilla has been a vocal advocate for filibuster reform, Senator Feinstein has backpedaled on her earlier indications of open-mindedness. On June 10th, she were quoted in Forbes as stating, “If democracy were in jeopardy, I would want to protect it,” but “I don’t see it being in jeopardy right now." When asked if there are any filibuster reforms she would support,  she said, "I'm going to have to take a look. Right now nothing comes to mind."

Short messages in your own words are most impactful and a direct yet respectful tone is encouraged. Send a postcard, notecard or letter to One Post Street, Suite 2450, San Francisco, CA 94104. Calls and emails are great too. Let's make sure that she understands how passionate her constituents are on this issue!

Extra credit:
Visit the calendar page on our website for a range of ways that you can take action to help pass the For the People Act. We've also created this handy summary of actions you can take to support passage this crucial bill.

Thank you for all of your hard work to protect our democracy!

Countdown for Democracy: A Country in Crisis and How You Can Help


TODAY, IndiMarin is launching a new action campaign - COUNTDOWN FOR DEMOCRACY. We hope all of our members will take part. Whether you have a few minutes a week or a few hours a week, there is something you can do to help.

The hard but real truth is that although we won a trifecta in 2020, that victory has triggered an all-out assault by the GOP to gerrymander districts and suppress access to voting, mainly by people of color. Republicans understand full well that rigging elections is their only chance to take back control of our government. If they are successful, electoral college results could be overturned. We will lose our majorities in Congress and gerrymandered districts will make it impossible to regain them for the next decade or longer.

We, as individuals, have power to prevent this unthinkable outcome by taking action to help Democrats in Congress pass the For the People Act. This crucial bill would protect and expand voting rights, change campaign finance laws to reduce the influence of money in politics, limit partisan gerrymandering, and create new ethics rules for federal officeholders. Two thirds of Americans support this bill but without the support of key Senators and a change in filibuster rules, it will lose.

We are running out of time to get this bill passed. If we don’t pass it by the end of July, election officials won’t have time to implement its provisions before the midterm elections. This coming week, the Senate will take their first vote on the bill. Very likely Republicans will successfully filibuster it next week, and then the Senate goes on recess without moving the bill forward. When they come back in July, it’ll be a chaotic rush to get the bill passed before the end of the month!

Many Californians were stunned by Senator Feinstein’s statements reported in FORBES on July 10 stating, “If democracy were in jeopardy, I would want to protect it,” but “I don’t see it being in jeopardy right now." She also said, she wants to “wait and see what happens” with the For The People Act, and, when asked if there are any filibuster reform measures she would support, said, “I’d have to take a look. Right now, nothing comes to my mind.” She made these outrageous statements in spite of her assurances in March that she was open to changing the filibuster if needed to pass voting rights legislation.


Call her SF office at (415) 393-0707.
To send an email, click here: Please modify the message below somewhat, especially the opening sentence, or else it will be flagged as spam.

My name is __________ and my zip code is ____________. I am a member of Indivisible Marin. I am calling to convey to the Senator that I elected her to represent the values of democracy. In advance of this week’s vote on the For the People Act, I ask that she publicly acknowledge that our democracy is in danger and affirm that she will do everything in her power to help pass the For the People Act through all means possible, including, if necessary, through abolishing, reforming, or providing an exception to the Senate filibuster.

If you can't connect to Senator Feinstein's office today, please do as soon as possible.

EXTRA CREDIT: This weekend, please review this one page listing of a wide range of ways you can help get the For The People Act PASSED into law. This list will be updated daily as opportunities change. You will also find these same actions on our calendar page.

Our Memorial Day Message

Today, as we remember and honor the men and women who died in service to our country, let us also remember a key reason for their sacrifice - to preserve and protect our country and its democracy. And how can we best honor those we have lost? Let us honor them by continuing the fight to preserve and protect our democracy. It is in grave danger.

This message is likely not what you want to be reading on this beautiful Monday of a long weekend during which, finally, we are able to gather with friends and family. And, quite honestly, it's not what we want to be writing. We all deserve to enjoy these precious new freedoms and our lives returning to normal. So perhaps bookmark this email but please commit to reading it tomorrow, if not today,

Highlights include:
- Background and articles on the dangers and the stakes in protecting our democracy
- Ways that IndiMarin is taking action and how you can help
- Next steps for IndiMarin to gather again and foster our community

Background and articles:
To date, more than 360 bills to restrict voting access have been proposed in 47 states. These measures target and will disproportionately harm voters of color, young voters, and voters with disabilities.. If we don’t push back, state voter suppression laws with S.1, the For the People Act, we will very likely lose the House and maybe the Senate in 2022 and for the next decade. In fact, the grim reality is that if Republicans hold the House, Senate, or both, Congress could refuse to certify elections at all levels of government, even the presidency.

- Are Democrats Sleepwalking Toward Democratic Collapse
Congress Must Pass the For the People Act
Democrats are Running Out of Time


voting rights.jpg

Ways that IndiMarin is taking action and how you can help:
1) Citizen groups at the state and local level are invited to join a grassroots-led effort to influence President Biden to urgently prioritize passage of the For the People Act. Our goal is to have 500+ groups representing 500,000+ Americans from all 50 states to sign on to this letter to President Biden. If you have family or friends, who are part of an advocacy, civic, or faith group, especially in other states, please send them this link to sign on.

2) Join us to make calls to activists in key states to help pass the For the People Act. We are asking them to contact their lawmakers who will make the difference between success and failure in passage of this groundbreaking bill. Sign up here.

3) Join us to write postcards to register voters here in California and/or to write voters in California supporting midterm Congressional candidates. We must start extra early in our work for 2022. Sign up here.

Stay tuned for next steps for IndiMarin to gather again and foster our community:

Now that we are finally able to gather in-person, we are excited to bring the IndiMarin community together again! Our Member Engagement and Recruitment team is hard at work planning for a range of events including social, educational, and action-oriented. We are excited to help rejuvenate, inspire, enrich, and expand our community!  When we ask members what drew them to IndiMarin, we almost always hear that it was the people, and the inspiration they drew from working with like-minded people toward a shared cause. We look forward to sharing more with you about these plans in upcoming newsletters.

A National Voter Suppression Crisis: The Facts

Following the Democratic victories for which we worked so hard, the GOP is more determined than ever to suppress votes. In fact, 407 anti-voter bills have already been introduced this year alone!

As our country’s population becomes younger and more diverse, the GOP knows that they will no longer be able to win fair and square. Further, our razor thin majority margins in the House and Senate have motivated the GOP to begin a nationwide voter suppression movement at the state level to give them the edge in the 2022 midterms.

We must not let this happen! Working to pass the For the People Act, also known as H.R. /S. 1, will ensure that our democracy will survive. But to pass it, we must first end or modify the filibuster, an arcane and racist Senate rule that many legal scholars have deemed unconstitutional. This will not be an easy fight.

Read on for a summary from the group DemCastUSA on the current state of voter suppression in our country. Contact us for more information about how you can become involved in fighting back against this threat to our democracy!


Today is Monday, May 17. We're tracking 2,158 voting bills that have been introduced so far this session. There are 407 anti-voter bills and 1,262 pro-voter bills, with the remainder being either neutral, mixed, or unclear in their impact. The Bad News: After weeks of legislative in-fighting, Arizona’s legislature passed a bill purging voters from the state’s very popular Permanent Early Voting List, and the governor swiftly signed it the very same day. Meanwhile, in Wisconsin, the Senate passed two bills that would restrict mail voting and create felony-level crimes for voters and election officials. Criminalizing behavior by voters and election officials is a part of a larger trend this year, with 232 bills introduced that would create or expand election-related crimes. The Good News: Connecticut’s bill to end prison gerrymandering has passed each chamber and heads to the governor’s desk. In New York, voters will now decide on same day registration and no-excuse absentee, with the legislature passing bills last week that put these issues on November’s ballot. Looking Forward: This week, we’re expecting Texas to call a conference committee to reconcile the very different House and Senate versions of the anti-voter elections omnibus bill. And on Wednesday, the North Carolina Senate’s Redistricting and Elections Committee will hear a bill that would require voters to return their completed mail ballots much earlier and shorten the absentee ballot request window. Here are the details: Arizona enacts legislation to purge voters from permanent vote by mail list. Arizona Governor Doug Ducey signed S.B. 1485 into law last week, paving the way to purge more than 100,000 voters from the state’s extremely popular Permanent Early Voting List (PEVL). Over three million Arizona voters (and 73% of those who voted in the 2020 election) are enrolled in PEVL. The new law will remove voters from the list if they fail to vote using a mail ballot in two consecutive election cycles — and will rename it the “active early voting list.” New York takes election reform bills to the voters. New York passed bills last week that propose constitutional amendments to allow same day registration and no-excuse absentee voting. This was the last step to get these measures on the ballot in November. If the voters ratify each of them, the state constitution will be amended so that it no longer prohibits these common-sense policies. Oklahoma simultaneously expands early voting and restricts vote by mail. On Tuesday, Oklahoma enacted a bill that adds a day of early voting for even year general elections. However, the legislation also significantly shortens the window a voter has to apply for a mail ballot — moving the deadline from the Tuesday before Election Day to the third Monday before Election Day. Wisconsin’s legislature advances bills to restrict mail voting. In Wisconsin, the Senate passed two anti-voter bills last week. One would severely restrict drop box availability, create a new felony-level crime for people who help others return their ballot, and prohibit “Democracy in the Park”-type events where voters safely and securely drop off absentee ballots. (One event in Madison last year collected nearly 11,000 ballots.) The other bill would threaten election officials with a number of felony-level crimes. These bills now head to the Assembly. Meanwhile, the state Assembly passed a bill to restrict the ability of elections officials to use private grant money to smoothly run elections. That bill now heads to the Senate. Connecticut moves closer to ending prison gerrymandering and allowing no-excuse absentee voting. A bill that would end prison gerrymandering heads to the governor’s desk after passing the Connecticut House on Wednesday. The House also passed a resolution to amend the constitution to allow no-excuse absentee voting, by a vote of 104 to 44. Because it passed with just under 75% support, it will not reach the ballot in 2022. It will be on the ballot in 2024 if the state Senate passes the resolution this session and both chambers pass it by a simple majority in 2023. Texas moves forward with new felony election crime; conference committee on anti-voter omnibus bill expected this week. In Texas, the Senate passed a House bill that would create a second degree felony for counting invalid votes or not counting valid votes. An amendment on Wednesday improved the bill by adding the requirement that the violation be “knowing.” The bill, which started in the House, returns now to the House for concurrence. This week, we expect Texas to call a conference committee to reconcile the House and Senate versions of their anti-voter elections omnibus bill. Mail voting restrictions are expected to be heard in North Carolina this week. On Wednesday this week, North Carolina’s Senate Redistricting and Elections Committee will hear S.B. 326, a bill which will require all absentee ballots to be received by 5 p.m. on Election Day to be counted. Current law requires absentee ballots to be postmarked by Election Day and received within three days after Election Day. The bill would also shorten the mail ballot request period by a full week.

May Membership Meeting: A Conversation with Changemaker Heather Booth


Many people are talking about an insightful article that ran recently in the New York Times titled, "There's a Name for the Blah You're Feeling: It's Called Languishing." The concept of languishing seems to have touched a chord with many people as we start to make the transition from what has been an extraordinarily challenging and draining time period - starting with the election of Donald Trump, and then exponentially exacerbated by an unprecedented pandemic. We pushed through in 2020, running mainly on adrenaline due to the urgency of unseating Trump, but now many of us feel spent. 

For a large dose of inspiration and empowerment, please join us this Sunday, May 2 at 5 PM for a very special program, "A Conversation with Changemaker Heather Booth." Sign up here

We are honored to have this groundbreaking activist and organizer join us to share her perspectives on citizen activism. She is a passionate speaker and will most certainly inspire us all!

Heather began her remarkable career at the height of the Civil Rights movement and was a leader in the most pivotal moments in progressive movements that altered our history over the last fifty years: from her founding of the JANE Underground in 1964, to her involvement with Fannie Lou Hamer and the Freedom Summer Project, to her personal connections with leaders from Julian Bond and Senator Elizabeth Warren. She is the subject of an excellent documentary, "Heather Booth: Changing the World" which is available to stream on both Amazon Prime and Vimeo. Here is a trailer.

We hope you will sign up to join us on Sunday!

URGENT - All hands on deck!

Dear members,

In 2020, citizen activists had two primary missions on which we were intensely focused: kicking Donald Trump out of the White House, and taking back the U.S. Senate. With blood, sweat and tears, we accomplished both. Now, we have a primary mission that is arguably as important - passing and implementing the For The People Act (often referred to by its bill numbers in the House and Senate respectively: H.R. 1 and S. 1.)

If this comprehensive legislation to strengthen and reform our democracy does not pass by the end of May, it is highly likely that Democrats will lose control of the House in 2022 and potentially for the next decade. To pass the bill, we must end or reform the filibuster - no easy task given the current positions of some key Senate Democrats.

The reasons behind the above assertions are somewhat complex, so we've outlined them as concisely as possible in this one-page backgrounder, "Why Democrats Must Urgently Pass the For the People Act." Passage of this bill will be the primary focus of IndiMarin until we are successful. We hope that our members will show up to contribute to this mission with the same level of passion and intensity as you did in 2020.


LEARN MORE - Tomorrow, 3/31, at 5 PM - Webinar with bill sponsor, Senator Merkley
Special activist webinar to discuss what's next, and how you can help advance this transformative piece of legislation. You'll also hear a special message from our own CA Senator, Alex Padilla. Sign up here.

SHOW UP - Monday, April 5 at noon - Rally at Senator Feinstein's SF office

Meet at McKesson Plaza, One Post Street, San Francisco. Rallies are being held simultaneously at all of her California district offices. Please bring signs. Make your own or download graphics here. Please wear masks and socially distance. If you can't attend, CALL Senator Feinstein's office at (415) 393-0707 on the day of the rally and ask her to not let Republicans block the For the People Act! Sign up here.

BE STRATEGIC - Wednesdays at 3 PM and Sundays at noon
- IndiMarin Phonebanks
Join us in calling voters in Arizona to urge them to ask Senator Sinema to eliminate the filibuster. Sinema is one of the key Senate holdouts and could derail the bill unless convinced to support ending or reforming the filibuster. No worries if you've never phonebanked before! Our fabulous team of mentors will have you up and running in no time! Sign up here.

STAY INSPIRED: Tuesday, 4/20 at 5:30 PM - IndiMarin Happy Hour Discussion Group

Watch the documentary John Lewis: Good Trouble, an intimate account of legendary U.S. Representative John Lewis’ life, legacy and more than 60 years of extraordinary activism. He spent decades fighting for civil rights and specifically made voting rights a key part of his advocacy — so much so that he risked his life to enfranchise voters time and again. The film streams on Hulu which offers a free trial period. Then join with other IndiMarin members to discuss the film on Tuesday, 4/20 at 5:30 PM. Sign up here.


The IndiMarin Steering Committee ~ Betsy, Betty, Susan S, Joy, Laurie, Justine, and Susan M

"Because being American is more that a pride we inherit, it's the past we step into and how we repair it." ~ Amanda Gorman

Yo, Dems…Ya snooze, ya lose!

Dear Members,

We're tired, right? We worked out hearts out in the midst of a pandemic, no less. We need a break. Seems fair.

The only catch is that the GOP is not taking a break. In fact, they are already working full tilt to enact egregious new voter suppression laws across the country. Their first target is Georgia, a state which cost them the Senate and where (surprise, surprise) a lot of Black folks live. To understand the stakes, and the urgency, watch this segment of the Daily Show with Trevor Noah. He nails it, as usual. There are further details in this article in NPR today.

Fighting these extremely restrictive proposed bills is urgent and time-sensitive. Not only are voting rights the foundation of our democracy, but we could lose Warnock's seat in 2022 if these bills become law.

IndiMarin is making calls to Georgians asking that they contact their state representatives to express opposition to these outrageous bills. The calls are easy and pleasant. Training and support is provided. PLEASE JOIN US on Sunday at 12 PM and every Wednesday and Sunday thereafter. Sign up for all shifts here. You can also make calls on your own. Email us for details at

In addition to fighting these voter suppression laws at the state level, we are working urgently to help pass the For the People Act, a once-in-a-generation package of proven reforms that would:

- Expand and protect voting rights and access to the ballot;
- Put ordinary Americans ahead of Big Money donors;
- End gerrymandering so that electoral districts are fairly drawn; and
- Clean up government and hold elected officials to the highest ethical standards.

This bill would transform our political system into one that is more inclusive, responsive, and representative of the American people.

To learn more about this bill, and the strategy for helping to pass it, we are pleased to be offering a dedicated Q&A session with Dan Krimm, our policy advisor. Details below.

Given the stakes, and the work that must be done to capitalize on our electoral wins in 2020 with legislative wins in 2021, please consider taking the IndiMarin 2021 pledge to commit to do an average of at least 4 hours of work a month on this crucial work. Click here to take the pledge.

Policy Q&A: The Urgency of Passing the For the People Act - Friday, 2/26 at 6:30 PM
Join IndiMarin and our key policy advisor for a deep dive into some of the reasons why the "For the People Act" is such a critical piece of legislation, and what it will take get it passed, including eliminating the filibuster. Questions sent in advance to help us better prepare, but can be asked live as well. Sign up here.

Introduction to Texting - Tuesday, March 2 from 5:30 - 6:30 PM
Join our Texting Team to hear about 2021 texting opportunities for experienced and brand new texters!  If you have been curious about texting, this is a perfect time to get started and develop texting skills ahead of the 2022 midterms! Sign up here.

Make Calls to Fight Voter Suppression - Wednesdays at 3 PM and Sundays at 12 PM
Join us at our guided phonebanks to help stop newly-proposed voter suppression laws in Georgia. We're calling Georgian seniors of color who voted by mail in the Senate runoffs and asking them to call their state senators to voice opposition to the laws. We're speaking to very friendly and engaged voters! Training, support and camaraderie all provided. Come give it a try! Sign up here.

Write For Democracy - Thursdays from 1 - 2:30 PM
Our virtual writing events are a great opportunity to discuss current events and socialize with other members of IndiMarin. We begin by discussing our current campaign writing to Democratic constituents in districts whose Republican representative voted against certification of the presidential election and encourage them to vote this MOC out in 2022. Our postcarding coordinators are on hand to answer any questions. Sign up here.

IndiMarin Happy Hour Discussion Group Series - Tuesday, March 16, 5:30 - 6:30 PM
Join us for the 2nd event in IndiMarin’s new Discussion Group Series! We will be discussing the film "Dolores," an inspiring documentary about Dolores Huerta, a partner in co-founding the first farm workers unions with Cesar Chavez, Dolores tirelessly led the fight for racial and labor justice alongside Chavez. Watch the trailer here. Participants will watch the film in advance and then join us for an informal discussion to share their impressions about the film. The film can be streamed via Amazon Prime. Feel free to bring your beverage of choice:) Sign up here.

What's Happening in 2021!

Hopefully, you had a chance to catch your breath a bit over the last six weeks from our work as citizen activists. This year is already shaping up to be very busy as we seek to maximize the legislative benefits of our hard-won and infrequent Democratic trifecta, as well as begin to lay the groundwork for the crucial 2022 midterms. There is no time to spare since the GOP is already hard at work to accelerate their voter suppression and gerrymandering agenda. The Senate's soul-crushing, albeit unsurprising, acquittal verdict must only intensify our resolve. We will discuss IndiMarin's current plans for action at our membership meeting on Sunday. Details below.

On a related note, we need your help to plan programming for 2021 that meets the wishes and priorities of our membership. If you haven't already done so, will you please join with over 100 members in filling out our 2021 Membership Survey?  Please take five minutes to complete the survey so that we can better plan programs that matter to you.

Please also peruse the list of events below and sign up for all those that interest you.


Happy Hour Discussion Group Series - Tuesday, 2/16 at 5:30 PM - Sign up here.
To kick off the series, we'll be discussing Stacy Abrams' documentary film, “ALL IN: The Fight for Democracy." Feel free to bring your beverage of choice. 🍷

IndiMarin Membership Meeting - Sunday, 2/21 at 4 PM - Sign up here.
Join us to kick off a new year of activism with a short video presentation by Indivisible National co-founder Leah Greenberg. She makes a compelling argument for why Dems need to go "big and bold" in the first year of the Biden-Harris Administration. We'll then outline IndiMarin's focus as part of this strategy, followed by a Q&A session with our in-house policy advisor, Dan Krimm. Dan will field members' questions related to priority legislation, such as the For the People Act (H.R. 1/S. 1) and the related need to eliminate the filibuster. The agenda will also include an overview of the membership survey results, new programs, and optional breakout discussion groups from 5 - 5:30 PM.

Town Hall with Senator Alex Padilla - Wednesday, 2/17 at 5 PM - Sign up here.
A coalition of California Indivisible groups, including IndiMarin, asked Senator Padilla to hold a Town Hall during this week's Congressional recess. He will speak about his priorities and field pre-submitted questions.

March Against Proposed Mega Gas Station in Marin - Sat., 2/20 at 1 PM - Sign up here.
Marin residents are invited to rally and march against the proposed 28-pump gas station at Costco in the Vintage Oaks Shopping Plaza in Novato. Sponsoring groups include 350 Bay Area, 350 Marin, Sustainable Novato, and Green Novato. IndiMarin fully supports this effort. Participant should gather at 108 Rowland Boulevard, the Rowland Boulevard Park & Ride. After a march to Costco, organizers will hold a brief rally with calls to action in front of the threatened wetlands. Please share this information with your networks and sign up at the link above so that the organizers can better plan for the event.

Three time-sensitive local actions

Dear members,

We are flagging three important and time-sensitive local actions in this newsletter:

- Support for COVID-relief for impacted Marin residents - Deadline is tomorrow
- Register to vote for CA Assembly District Delegates - Deadline is tomorrow
- Attend Congressman Huffman's Virtual Town Hall - Tuesday at 4 PM

Support COVID relief for residents of Marin County

With the federal government in gridlock over COVID relief, local action is crucial to help impacted members of our community. Please join a county-wide campaign, led by Canal Alliance, Community Action Marin and Legal Aid of Marin. Their recommended initiative will benefit all low-income families and essential workers in the County. Please take this action to email your elected representatives and ask them to support a rent freeze and an extension to the eviction moratorium. Depending on your zip code, the letter will be sent to the City Council of your city and to the County Supervisor of your district. Click here to take action.

Register to vote in the 2021 CA Democratic Party ADEM Election

The ADEM election for California Democratic Party delegates is in progress and the deadline to register for a vote-by-mail ballot is TOMORROW, January 11 by 11:59 PM.

California Democratic District Delegates are responsible for helping to shape the Party's platform. After you register, you will receive a ballot in the mail which must be received before Wednesday, January 27th. You can read candidate statements here.

IndiMarin is not making endorsements for delegates with one exception. We do strongly support the candidacy of Susan Bolle. Susan has been a crucial strategic advisor to IndiMarin in our electoral work since the 2018 midterm elections. She is a grassroots organizer who is passionate about voting rights and winning elections for Democrats up and down the ballot. and has dedicated the last five years to leading volunteers to call, text and canvass voters all over the country to win elections.

Attend Congressman Huffman's Virtual Town Hall

Congressman Jared Huffman has invited all constituents to join him for a virtual town hall this Tuesday, January 12 at 4 PM.

The Congressman will respond to questions and provide a report on this week’s assault on the Capitol and Congress during the certification of the electoral college results. Topics will include the 25th Amendment, articles of impeachment, Capitol Police readiness, holding rioters and those who incited violence accountable, as well as ways to ensure a peaceful transfer of power. The event can be streamed live via Facebook at or at the Community Media Center of Marin. Questions can be sent to

Take Action - Ask our members of Congress to remove Trump and ensure that justice is served

Dear members,

Yesterday, we wrote you and stated that we, the IndiMarin Leadership Team, along with our many partner organizations and allies, would be following all current developments at our nation's Capitol with vigilance and that we would keep you apprised when there are constructive actions for us to take as citizens.

Today we ask that you immediately take this action to email our three congressional representatives. They have all publicly stated that they support removing Trump from office as well as taking steps to ensure justice and accountability for those complicit in yesterday's insurrection.  By way of this email we are making clear that we expect them to follow through with their early statements.

We ask that they personally and immediately take all actions at their disposal to 1) bring about the removal of Donald Trump from office, and 2) take all actions at their disposal to ensure that all those who bear any responsibility for yesterday's insurrection at our nation's Capitol, including members of Congress, face appropriate consequences for their actions.

Thank you for your commitment to protecting our democracy.

~ The IndiMarin Steering Committee - Betsy, Laurie, Susan S, Justine and Susan M

Today and yesterday

Today, we should be celebrating the victories in Georgia and feeling the well-earned joy and relief of taking back the Senate to create a Democratic trifecta in Washington. Instead, we are watching surreal imagery on our television screens of an armed insurrection by an angry mob in our Capitol.

It is truly a dark day in American history and a somber reminder of the importance of our collective work to protect democracy. 

The IndiMarin Leadership Team, along with our many partner organizations and allies, will be following all developments with vigilance. We will keep members apprised when there are constructive actions for us to take as citizens. For the time being, watchful waiting may be the most prudent action given the seriousness and unpredictability of the situation. During this uncertain time, we encourage you connect with each other and your community members to check in and offer support and camaraderie. Many are feeling anxious and scared.

Given these disturbing circumstances, we will pause until after inauguration any planning for election-related celebrations, and for our strategy and programming for 2021. 

Thank you for your commitment to democracy. You are true patriots. We are very grateful for your ongoing participation in our work together.

~ The IndiMarin Steering Committee - Laurie, Susan S, Betsy, Justine and Susan M

IndiMarin's "Year in Review"

As this challenging year comes to a close, we would like to raise our virtual glasses and offer a toast to the power of citizen action. While acknowledging the terrible pain, angst and suffering this year has brought to so many millions of people, we also want to celebrate you and your actions. They are highlighted below. In the face of unprecedented challenges, you did the right thing. Feel deserve to be.

We also supported each other in the process. So many members express to us that their participation in our work has "kept them sane."  Working with other like-minded citizens to push back against tyranny and injustice gave us all a sense of purpose and collective power.

Citizen action will be just as important in 2021. Thankfully, we will now have the advantage of playing offense. Our job will be to hold to the fire the toes of our democratic officials, and make sure that they seize the opportunity to undo the damage from Trump's destructive reign, and push forward on crucial issues such as democracy reform, climate change, health care and racial and economic justice. We will also continue to build the Democratic party through voter registration and outreach. It's not too early to lay the groundwork for resounding wins in both chambers in 2022!

We hope that you're in. For 2021 and beyond. Mass movements only have power with mass participation. Please write us anytime at with comments, questions and/or insights. You are our most valuable resource

We send our warmest wishes for a much happier and healthier 2021!

The IndiMarin Steering Committee - Susan S, Justine, Laurie, Betsy and Susan M




As a New Year's resolution, 240 members took the IndiMarin 2020 Pledge to spend at least four hours per month on voter outreach work.

IndiMarin's Leadership Team of 24 rockstars gathered to lay out our 2020 strategy.

Kick off of "All In For Arizona" at the January membership meeting.

Full steam ahead with Action Days and Write to Win events to help flip Arizona!

Phone-a-thon for A Fair Trial, a three day effort to call constituents in key red states urging them to call their senators to demand a fair trial.


The re-launch of our popular postcard-from-home program with postcard packets available for pick up and drop off at two locations.

Kick off of "Voter Outreach for Newbies" in advance of our twice-weekly Action Days for phoning and writing voters in Arizona.

New initiative to make calls to register people of color in North Carolina before the 2/29 deadline to vote in the primary.


First Virtual Membership Meeting, just days after the shelter-in-place order was issued.

Zoom 101 trainings begin.

Kick off of Virtual Phone Banks in partnership with Democracy Action Marin.

Kick off of Virtual Textbanking by our fabulous team of Texting Mentors as part of Indivisible National's Payback Project.


First virtual postcarding party to write postcards to voters of color in Georgia in partnership with Reclaim Our Vote, an organization with a long history of fighting voter suppression and encouraging disenfranchised citizens to register to vote.

Members wrote Senators Feinstein and Harris in support of Election Protection.

IndiMarin kicks off its own Virtual Phonebanks every Wednesday and Sunday, led by an amazing team of mentors.

Virtual Membership Meeting with special guest Congressman Jared Huffman.

Launch of letter writing with partners Swing Left and Vote Forward with a goal of sending 10 million letters to swing state voters that are historically underrepresented and unlikely to vote.


Week of Action for Racial Justice - Members took concrete action by contacting elected officials at the local, state and federal level to further the goals of the Black Lives Matter movement.

Virtual Open House to recruit new members - growth continues to skyrocket!

Virtual Membership Meeting with Senator Mike McGuire.


Phonebank Team shifts its focus to North Carolina and partners with the North Carolina Democratic Party Team.

Members call Governor Newsom to support The CRISES ACT, a community response initiative to strengthen emergency systems in lieu of response by police.

Over 180 members wrote Senator Feinstein asking her to cast a vote against authoritarianism in America by supporting the Merkley/Wyden Amendment.


Sprint to November Happy Hour with special guest Dan Pfeiffer of Pod Save America.


Voter outreach work kicks into high gear with a full calendar of events!

Nearly 400 members write Senators Feinstein and Harris asking that they do their utmost to thwart the GOP effort to confirm a new Justice before inauguration. We honor Justice Ginsberg with this video.


IndiMarin is designated by the Biden/Harris campaign as one of its official call centers in for the final weeks of GOTV with the campaign directing our team in real time to call the most strategically important state at that moment.

IndiMarin surpasses 2500 members!


America elects Joe Biden and Kamala Harris!

IndiMarin launches Georgia programs including postcarding, letter-writing and phonebanking.


December Membership Meeting to discuss initial plans for new programs for 2021.

Our members raise over $5,000 for Downtown Streets Team, a local organization dedicated to helping residents of Marin who are experiencing homelessness, and write holiday cards for Team Members' gift baskets.

We begin the work of planning for 2021!


December campaign to support Marin residents experiencing homelessness

Dear members,

Today, IndiMarin is launching a month-long effort to increase awareness of and support for Downtown Streets Teama fabulous local organization dedicated to helping residents of Marin who are experiencing homelessness. DST's work experience program empowers individuals and acts as a stepping stone into employment, housing, and a better life through the dignity of work. 

The holiday season is a particularly difficult and lonely time for people without housing and they especially suffer from isolation and the cold, wet weather. Please consider a donation of any amount and/or request that family members make a donation on your behalf in lieu of a holiday gift. Click here to donate and/or share the link. 

You have likely seen Downtown Streets Team members in their yellow shirts cleaning the streets of Novato and San Rafael. DST's unique model provides people who are experiencing homelessness an opportunity to volunteer on a team and begin to work collaboratively on local beautification and environmental projects. Team Members receive a non-cash stipend to help cover their basic needs, while taking advantage of DST's case management and employment services to find housing and a job. The program is structured to be a one-year transitional program into permanent housing and employment. This touching three minute video conveys the essence of the program.

We will update you next week regarding additional ways to help including 1) social media and friendbanking effort, 2) a collection drive for gently used necessities, and 3) a benefit film screening. Details to follow soon.

Our fundraiser also will benefit The Showers, a program operated by DST which is comprised of two mobile shower/restroom trailers that will travel to different locations throughout the County to bring showers to those in need. Volunteers welcome clients with a smile, provide a fresh towel and offer the opportunity to connect with available housing and local service providers. There are over 1,035 people experiencing homelessness in Marin County, with nearly 65% of them unsheltered. And there is only one location in Marin County to get a free shower, a crucial factor when seeking employment.

Thank for joining IndiMarin's effort to extend support to people in the Marin community, and for all you do to help make our world a better place.

~ The IndiMarin Steering Committee - Justine, Susan S, Betsy, Laurie and Susan M

Georgia On Our Minds


 Democrats are united in the goal of helping elect Jon Ossoff and Reverend Raphael Warnock to the Senate in runoff elections in Georgia on January 5th. If we win both seats, we will take back majority control, send Malevolent Mitch to the back of the bus, and enable the Biden Administration to advance a progressive policy agenda. It won't be easy, but we can do it, IF we all pitch in with as much time and money as we are able to contribute.

 IndiMarin is now offering five ways for you to support these two excellent candidates:

1) phonebanking, 2) letter writing, 3) postcarding, 4) donating, and 5) friendbanking. Please scroll down for further details on the options of most interest to you!

Phonebanking - IndiMarin phonebanks are starting up again this Sunday at 12 PM and will continue every Sunday at noon and Wednesdays at 3 PM up through January 5th. We're calling Dems to help them make their plan to vote. It's easy and rewarding! Our wonderful Phone Team Mentors will be onhand to work with newbies in small groups. You'll have a chance to observe some phone calls and jump in yourself when you feel ready.

Sign up for any date, or multiple dates here. If you would like to participate at other times, please join the phonebanks hosted by the campaigns. Click here for details. Time is of the essence. EARLY VOTING BEGINS ON DECEMBER 14!

Letter writing - Once again, we are partnering with Vote Forward's successful letter writing program which helped send more than 15 million letters to voters in swing states during the general election. Help encourage voters from historically underrepresented communities in Georgia to request their absentee ballots for the Senate runoffs. There are 500,000 addresses waiting to be "adopted" but they are going fast. Sign up here soon if you'd like to help!

Postcarding - Our post carders have already written over 60,000 postcards in 2020! But we're not gonna slow down until we help take back the Senate!  Writers provide their own materials and we provide the addresses and scripts. Sign up here to join the IndiMarin Postcard Team.

Donating - A key way to help is with our dollars! Republicans are pouring dark money into the state in a frantic effort to retain power. We, the people, must provide our candidates with enough “clean money” from small donors to win. Click here for our recommended options for donations.

Friendbanking: Please consider reaching out to people in your personal network via phone, text or email, and encourage them to make a donation of any amount. A personal message about the importance of these elections and what's at stake for our country is often successful. People usually appreciate authentic outreach from a friend, especially if they don't follow politics super closely, or are simply preoccupied with busy lives. Or get creative! Maybe host a Zoom Happy Hour as a fundraiser and ask everyone to kick in $25? Other ideas? Please send them our way at so that we can share them out to everyone!

As always, thank you for your commitment to citizen action! Let's work like crazy AND open our wallets to win back the Senate! It's that important.


We Are Woke!

Thanks to you, and to countless other committed citizen across this country, Abraham Lincoln's memorable words at Gettysburg again hold true: "This government of the people, by the people, for the people, shall not perish from the earth."

Over the past four years, you have consistently stood up, spoken up and showed up to protect our democracy and its citizens. You deserve to be very proud of your contributions. As Vice President-elect Kamala Harris said at the Democratic National Convention, "Years from now, this moment will have passed. And our children and our grandchildren will look in our eyes and ask us: Where were you when the stakes were so high? They will ask us, what was it like? And we will tell them. We will tell them, not just how we felt. We will tell them what we did."

With all of the human suffering engendered by Donald Trump and his immoral enablers, there was one monumentally positive outcome. WE, THE PEOPLE, ARE WOKE.

Since that terrible day in November 2016, we have knitted pink hats and marched by the millions, poured into airports to protest the Muslim ban, and into the streets to proclaim that families belong together. Students launched a movement to save their friends from gun violence, and another to save the planet from climate change. Americans of all ages joined Black and Brown organizers in the largest demonstrations this country has ever seen to battle systemic racism and injustice.

We visited the offices of our members of Congress to claim our power as constituents. We called and emailed them again and again to advocate for climate change, racial justice, voting rights, economic security, and many other progressive causes.

In each of the last four years, we supported the work of Democratic candidates in toss-up races. We made calls, sent text messages, wrote postcards and letters. With the final results of so many elections coming down to thousands, or sometimes only hundreds, of votes, our voter outreach efforts impacted dozens of critical races.

When a pandemic struck in March, we retooled, regrouped and quickly learned how to organize virtually. We figured out Zoom, Slack and many other tech tools for mobilizing, organizing and engaging voters in a digital age. It wasn't always easy, or pretty, but we got there:)

Today, we are bigger, stronger and more prepared than ever before.  In 2020, IndiMarin welcomed over 1,000 new members to our ranks. We now number over 2,500. Additionally, there are tens of thousands of citizen action groups, like us, who have been activated over these past four years. Together, as a movement, we are powerful, seasoned and ready to go.

The lesson of the last four years is that we must never go back to inaction or complacency. Vigilant and collective action by citizens is the pathway to progressive change.

Now, onto the work in Georgia. Whether or not Democrats take control of the US Senate hinges on two run-off elections there on January 5. The results will greatly impact the opportunity for the Biden Administration to appoint a progressive Cabinet and address fundamental flaws in our current system of governance including the filibuster, electoral college, term limits, and an imbalanced Supreme Court.

Please watch for an email from us tomorrow
with a range of specific actions you can take to support Jon Ossof and Reverend Raphael Warnock. Also, sign up for this exciting opportunity tomorrow at 4:30 PM to join a virtual conversation with both Democratic Senate candidates and their teams to meet them, talk strategy, and get our marching orders to help them win.

Then, after Inauguration Day, the exciting work begins - advocating for real progressive change in our country. IndiMarin is in this for the long haul. And we are confident that you are too.

Marin Protest to Protect the Results - November 4th

Protect the Results.png

Marin advocacy groups have partnered with a national coalition, “Protect the Results,” a coalition of over 100 bipartisan grassroots organizations ready to protect the valid results of the 2020 election.

With every tweet and refusal to commit to accepting the legitimate results of the 2020 election, Trump seeks to stoke chaos and fear. But we will be ready - should Trump declare victory before all the votes are counted, make unfounded claims that the election was “stolen,” or further act to intimidate or prevent the legitimate counting of votes. As needed, the coalition will activate nationwide mobilizations to demand all votes are counted and ensure a peaceful transition of power. The coalition believes that the likelihood of activation is high.

That said, our best case scenario is that Biden wins in a landslide and we never have to activate this network, so this planning should not take the place of your crucial election work. With democracy at stake, we have to do both.

We should all plan as though these events could be as early as the afternoon of Wednesday, November 4. However this time and date is a placeholder and very likely will change. If we mobilize, exact times and locations will be determined by local event leaders. Please RSVP at the above link and we will keep you informed on an ongoing basis via email.

There is also a Protect the Results protest being held in West Marin. If that location is more convenient for you, please RSVP here:

If the feared crisis lasts longer than that first critical week post-election, we will need to be ready to ramp up our pressure. The strategy will depend significantly on the scenario and reality on the ground but we should be prepared for mass mobilizations on an ongoing basis for as long as needed to protect the results.

Note: In addition to taking to the streets, there are many other ways to help protect the results. Please take action on any of them - the sooner the better.

  • Volunteer to be a Poll Worker or, if you know people who live in red states, send them this link and encourage them to volunteer:

  • Send your friends in red states this link to SeeSay2020, a form for reporting incidents of voter suppression observed at the polls:

  • If you are an attorney, or know one who might be interested, volunteer with WeTheAction under the category of Voting Rights and Fair Elections:

URGENT - Five minute action - Call on Feinstein and Harris to prevent a quorum

Dear Members,

On Thursday, the Senate Judiciary Committee will vote on Amy Coney Barrett's Supreme Court nomination. Our two Senators, Dianne Feinstein and Kamala Harris, as Ranking Member and Member of the Senate Judiciary Committee respectively, are in powerful positions.

On September 28th, two hundred and seventy five of us wrote them asking that they work to "delegitimize and slow the GOP agenda which aims to rob the American people of having a voice in the confirmation of a Supreme Court Justice."  Since then, we have been gravely disappointed by the lack of strategic and courageous action by Senate Democrats, especially members of the Senate Judiciary Committee, to thwart this abuse of power.

In particular, we have been disappointed by Senator Feinstein's enabling of this illegitimate process. According to an October 16th article in the Washington Post, "Many observers on the left gave [Senator Feinstein] failing marks. She did not, for example, put up much of a battle against Graham when the committee was not at quorum."  Similarly, when Senator Feinstein praised Lindsey Graham at the close of the hearings, Jon Lovett, a former aide to President Barack Obama and co-host of “Pod Save America,” said, “That she can say this about this ongoing travesty,” “is another sad statement about how poorly represented we are by Dianne Feinstein.”

Please take five minutes NOW and click here to send automated emails to Senators Feinstein and Harris.

The email template asks that they work to prevent a quorum for the committee vote on Thursday. Specifically, we are asking that neither of them attend the committee meeting scheduled for Thursday, and that they convince at least six of their colleagues on the committee to follow suit. Further, we are asking that, if Committee Chair Lindsey Graham refers the vote back to the full Senate without committee recommendation, Senate Democrats walk out en masse and leave Republicans to hold the vote alone.

Making a phone call is particularly powerful. Please do that as well, or in lieu of sending an email. Call Senator Feinstein at (415) 393-0707 and Senator Harris at (415) 981-9369. You can use this script as desired: My name name is [name] and I live in [city, zip]. I am extremely upset about the rush by Republicans to appoint Amy Coney Barrett to the Supreme Court in advance of the elections. It is an abuse of power and a threat to our democracy. I'm asking you to work to deny Republicans a quorum in committee. Please do not attend the committee meeting scheduled for Thursday, and convince seven of your colleagues on the committee to follow suit.

While this request may be a long shot at this point, it is our responsibility as citizen activists to speak out loudly and consistently. Over time our words and actions will result in positive change. As the esteemed Supreme Court Justice Thurgood Marshall said, “Where you see wrong or inequality or injustice, speak out, because this is your country. This is your democracy. Make it. Protect it. Pass it on.”

Please take five minutes and click here to send Senators Feinstein and Harris emails asking that they do their utmost to thwart the GOP effort to confirm a new Justice before inauguration.

Stand up. Be loud. Stay strong.

The IndiMarin Steering Committee ~ Justine, Betsy, Susan S, Laurie and Susan M