URGENT - Five minute action - Call on Feinstein and Harris to prevent a quorum

Dear Members,

On Thursday, the Senate Judiciary Committee will vote on Amy Coney Barrett's Supreme Court nomination. Our two Senators, Dianne Feinstein and Kamala Harris, as Ranking Member and Member of the Senate Judiciary Committee respectively, are in powerful positions.

On September 28th, two hundred and seventy five of us wrote them asking that they work to "delegitimize and slow the GOP agenda which aims to rob the American people of having a voice in the confirmation of a Supreme Court Justice."  Since then, we have been gravely disappointed by the lack of strategic and courageous action by Senate Democrats, especially members of the Senate Judiciary Committee, to thwart this abuse of power.

In particular, we have been disappointed by Senator Feinstein's enabling of this illegitimate process. According to an October 16th article in the Washington Post, "Many observers on the left gave [Senator Feinstein] failing marks. She did not, for example, put up much of a battle against Graham when the committee was not at quorum."  Similarly, when Senator Feinstein praised Lindsey Graham at the close of the hearings, Jon Lovett, a former aide to President Barack Obama and co-host of “Pod Save America,” said, “That she can say this about this ongoing travesty,” “is another sad statement about how poorly represented we are by Dianne Feinstein.”

Please take five minutes NOW and click here to send automated emails to Senators Feinstein and Harris.

The email template asks that they work to prevent a quorum for the committee vote on Thursday. Specifically, we are asking that neither of them attend the committee meeting scheduled for Thursday, and that they convince at least six of their colleagues on the committee to follow suit. Further, we are asking that, if Committee Chair Lindsey Graham refers the vote back to the full Senate without committee recommendation, Senate Democrats walk out en masse and leave Republicans to hold the vote alone.

Making a phone call is particularly powerful. Please do that as well, or in lieu of sending an email. Call Senator Feinstein at (415) 393-0707 and Senator Harris at (415) 981-9369. You can use this script as desired: My name name is [name] and I live in [city, zip]. I am extremely upset about the rush by Republicans to appoint Amy Coney Barrett to the Supreme Court in advance of the elections. It is an abuse of power and a threat to our democracy. I'm asking you to work to deny Republicans a quorum in committee. Please do not attend the committee meeting scheduled for Thursday, and convince seven of your colleagues on the committee to follow suit.

While this request may be a long shot at this point, it is our responsibility as citizen activists to speak out loudly and consistently. Over time our words and actions will result in positive change. As the esteemed Supreme Court Justice Thurgood Marshall said, “Where you see wrong or inequality or injustice, speak out, because this is your country. This is your democracy. Make it. Protect it. Pass it on.”

Please take five minutes and click here to send Senators Feinstein and Harris emails asking that they do their utmost to thwart the GOP effort to confirm a new Justice before inauguration.

Stand up. Be loud. Stay strong.

The IndiMarin Steering Committee ~ Justine, Betsy, Susan S, Laurie and Susan M