Introducing new options for virtual and at-home work with IndiMarin

The IndiMarin Leadership Team sends you all our best wishes as we adjust to the challenging circumstances and implications of COVID-19.

One of our most important operating principles at IndiMarin is to nurture a sense of community among our members. That principle is now more important than ever.

Please be advised that we are cancelling all of our in-person events until further notice. However, we have been working hard this week to develop a broad range ways for you to continue our crucial voter outreach work - both individually at home, and virtually in groups.

Social distancing does not need to mean social isolation. And we cannot allow it to hinder our work to #WinBackDemocracy! Our current options include:

Phone and Text from home - We are developing excellent programs through which you can make phone calls and send text messages to voters from home. Training will be offered virtually. More details coming soon.

Write Postcards from home - Our popular postcard-at home program is expanding. The fabulous "IndIMarin Card Crew" has assembled hundreds of postcard packets to meet the growing demand, and we have added a third pickup/drop off location in Novato. Sign up here for details about how to get started.

Connect with others via our newly developed Virtual Events - We hope you will join us for one or both of the virtual events below. More virtual events will be added to our calendar soon.

Virtual Meeting on Relational Outreach:
On Thursday, March 19 at 7 PM, we will hold a Virtual Meeting on Relational Outreach for people who missed our 3/8 Membership Meeting at the Unitarian Church on the same topic. Simply put, relational outreach is from friend to friend. It's another very effective tactic that you can do from home. At the meeting, we'll fill you in on our two new relational outreach programs, Indivisible Anywhere and VotePlus10. Click here for details and to RSVP.

Virtual Postcard Party:
Let’s continue to connect socially while we work! Our first virtual postcard event is on Wednesday, March 18 at 7 PM. We'll gather via Zoom, a video conferencing platform, to write postcards, and chat. Wine welcome and no designated drivers needed:). Zoom is easy to use. We’ve prepared some simple instructions for newbies. Click here for details and to RSVP.

Let’s all stay healthy AND engaged in the work of winning back our democracy.