Shelter in Place and our Post Card Program on hold

Due to yesterday's Shelter in Place Order, we are again making adjustments to our programming. As an organization, our highest priority is to fully support the letter and spirit of the Health Order and to contribute to the greater community's efforts to slow the spread of COVID-19.

The IndiMarin Steering Committee met yesterday to make decisions about needed adjustments to our existing programs, and also to advance IndiMarin's efforts to develop alternative programs to keep crucial voter outreach work progressing. We must persevere in our determination to #WinBackDemocracy in November!

Updates include:
Writing to voters: We have cancelled the Virtual Postcard Party scheduled for tomorrow evening, and have put the Postcard-at-Home program on hold until further notice. We welcome emails to us at with any questions at all related to postcarding. On a positive note, we have plans underway to quickly introduce a new program that will enable members to continue writing to voters without leaving our homes. We will be in touch soon with information on how to get started.

Calling and Texting Voters: We are in the final phase of evaluating and testing new virtual phone and texting programs to substitute for our in-person Action Days. Our new programs will include virtual training and support. Phone calls and text messages to voters are a very high priority since interactive voter outreach provides candidates' campaigns with vital information they need to strategically allocate resources and increase efficiencies as we get closer to the election. We hope that as many of you as possible will give phoning and/or texting voters a try given our increased free time.

Relational organizing: Simply put, relational organizing means reaching to people in your personal network to 1) influence them regarding whether or how they vote; and/or 2) influence them regarding getting involved in some form of voter outreach work from wherever they live. Not only is relational outreach the single most effective way to have impact as a volunteer, this is a perfect time to reach out to people in your network to check in, reconnect, and see how they're doing. The conversation may become an opportunity to discuss your political work and see if they have interest in getting more engaged. To learn more about how you can get involved in relational organizing, please attend our "Virtual Meeting on Relational Outreach" on Thursday, March 19 at 7 PM. This meeting is for people who missed our 3/8 Membership Meeting on the same topic. At the meeting, we'll fill you in on our two new relational outreach programs, Indivisible Anywhere and VotePlus10. Click here for details and to RSVP.

Extra Credit: Get up to speed on Zoom, the #1 platform for video conferencing. It will be a pivotal tool in our virtual programs. Please review this short and simple guide to Zoom. We will also host a “practice” zoom meeting for newbies  to test the program in advance of Thursday’s meeting. Click here to sign up for the Zoom Practice Meeting.

Listen to Season 2 of the “Out of the Wilderness” podcast. It is an excellent primer what it’s going to take to win in 2020.

Let’s all stay healthy AND engaged in the work of winning back our democracy.