Please take action on Iran crisis!

Hello IndiMarin members,

This is Justine. I'm a member of the IndiMarin Steering Committee. I'm writing you on behalf of our leadership team to let you know that we are consuming the news, and are horrified by the unjust actions Impeached President Trump has taken in Iran the past several days. We want you to know we are thinking of you, and how this news is affecting you, your loved ones, and your colleagues and businesses. 

Wherever you are on the range of emotions about the consistent escalation of bad news coming from the White House and GOP, we have a small but important action you can take that will help us remain united and strong as we steady ourselves for Congress to be back in session.

Please call our Members of Congress - Rep. Jared Huffman, Senator Dianne Feinstein, and Senator Kamala Harris - and tell them that you strongly oppose an illegal war with Iran (and/or Iraq!) and would like them to continue to publicly condemn any and all military actions. We know that our MoCs already do oppose these actions, but constituent support is what allows them to stand strong and united against the Trump Administration and the GOP. When members of Indivisible Marin communicate with our MoCs, we strengthen our relationship - and our quick access to them. Click here to take action.

In addition to our strenuous advocacy against this unlawful military escalation, we have another critical goal in saving our democracy - VOTE THEM OUT!  It won't be easy and it will take the work of each of us to ensure the victories that we need in the Presidency, House, Senate, and State Houses across the country

Please be on the lookout for a second email in the next day or two with information about our 2020 Voter Outreach Kick-Off and our expanded plans to defeat Trump and the GOP at the ballot box!

Happy New Year!  We can and will do this together!

In solidarity,
Justine Hebron

Steering Committee, Communications

Indivisible Marin