Our 2020 Kick Off Meeting!


Happy MLK weekend! What better way to honor him, and his spirit of service, than to SHOW UP AND COMMIT to taking action in 2020 at our Kick Off meeting on Sunday, 1/19 from 4 - 5:30 PM at the Unitarian Church in San Rafael.

We'll cover our strategy for the all-important first quarter of 2020 and how you can help Dems be victorious up and down the ballot in November! Come learn why IndiMarin is "All In For Arizona" in Q1. Our guest speaker, Andrew Kim, is Field Director and strategist for Flip the West, the organization that is advising IndiMarin on our electoral strategy. He will explain why Arizona is the best focus for our energies in the early part of the year and what tactics his organization is recommending. IndiMarin leaders will then speak about the specific programs we've rolled out through which you will be able to help flip this crucial state. RSVP here.



#WriteToWin - Tuesday, 1/21 from 10 - 11:30 AM at Panera Bread in Novato

Join us to write Arizona voters and help turn AZ blue! We will be writing postcards to recently registered Democrats in Arizona ahead of their March 17th primary, encouraging them to vote by mail. Voting by mail increases eventual turnout. RSVP here.

#WriteToWin - Wednesday, 1/22 from 7 - 8:30 PM at the Sports Basement in Novato

Join us to write Arizona voters and help turn AZ blue! We will be writing postcards to recently registered Democrats in Arizona ahead of their March 17th primary, encouraging them to vote by mail. Voting by mail increases eventual turnout. RSVP here.

Voter Outreach for Newbies - Sunday, 1/26 from 2 - 3 PM in San Rafael
No worries if you've never made calls to voters before! We'll help get you set up and walk you through the basics in a relaxed and supportive training session. Then you'll be ready to roll at 3 PM when the "old-timers" show up to make calls:) Sign up here. We hope you will stay on from if possible to put your new skills into action at the Action Sunday to follow. RSVP here.

#Action Sunday, 1/26 from 3 - 5 PM in San Rafael

We're "All in for Arizona!" Please join us to call or write Arizonans and encourage them to sign up to vote by mail, thereby increasing eventual turnout. Options include making calls and writing postcards. RSVP here.