Wear a Dems Make LIfe Better T-Shirt

Average citizens who are willing to spread Democratic messaging can have a huge impact on the outcome of the 2024 elections! Now, a new website, www.demsmakelifebetter.org, offers a range of merchandise for us to become walking, talking billboards for Democrats. Choose from unisex, fitted, and toddler tees in English, unisex and fitted tees in Spanish, embroidered caps, lawn signs, buttons and even a dog bandana. These products give you opportunities to spark conversations, raise awareness, and inspire others to learn more about the positive impact of electing Democrats to lead our country. 

A key goal of the Dems Make Life Better campaign is to prompt conversations out in the real world. Perhaps a fellow grocery shopper will compliment your shirt and express a shared perspective. Or, conversely, someone may express a different viewpoint. BOTH of these scenarios are great opportunities to engage. To help you do so, the DMLB site features materials to support you as you engage in conversations:

  • Each order will ship with ten business-card-sized handouts with the URL to the website for further information. 

  • A “Meaningful Conversations” guide provides tips on engaging in constructive conversations, emphasizing the importance of open dialogue and active listening to foster understanding and connection. 

  • A “How Dems Make Life Better” summary includes concrete examples of how Democratic policies and initiatives enhance the lives of all Americans.

Let’s all spread the word and getting out the vote in the most visible way possible - by wearing Dems Make Life Better apparel with pride.

Watch this 30 minute inspiring video with more detail and powerful testimonials!