Exciting news re our 2024 Kick Off Meeting on 1/9!

On Tuesday, January 9 at 5:30 PM PT, we will kick off the all-important 2024! The theme of our meeting is, "Multiplying the Power of One" and it will be headlined with a very special guest speaker whose work since Trump was elected perfectly exemplifies that phrase.

Many of you may already be readers of Robert Hubbell's Substack blog. If you are not yet familiar with him, he describes himself in his Substack bio in just three words, “Citizen. Optimist. Realist.” His newsletter, which is now read daily by over 100,000 Americans, is also described simply: “A reflection on today’s news through the lens of hope." What started in February 2017 as a father and husband’s effort to provide hope and perspective to his family after the unexpected results of the 2016 election, has, via sharing between devoted readers, become a community of like-minded citizens devoted to preserving American democracy. His story is a true testament to multiplying the power of one.

Robert will share his story personally with the IndiMarin community at our 2024 Kick-Off Meeting. It will perfectly set the stage for what we hope to inspire in all of our volunteers in 2024 - a personal commitment to each do what we can do, to take simple action steps, and to rely on the belief that our collective acts of one will bring about the crucial election wins for Democrats across the board in 2024. Our goal, as always, is a more just, caring and inclusive America with our democracy and freedoms intact and protected for future generations.

Following Robert’s talk, members of the IndiMarin Leadership team will outline concrete action steps in which we can all participate, with a focus on both new and continuing voter outreach programs for the first quarter of 2024.



Please come by Susan's house in Lucas Valley to pick up a car magnet or two. There will be a box in front of the left side gate. Just reply to this email if you are interested and would like the address.

In closing, we are so grateful for all the tremendous work and camaraderie our volunteers contributed to IndiMarin throughout 2023.  We look forward to more of the same, but "super-charged" in 2024. Our democracy is depending on us!

Ways to Stay Positive and Motivated in Trying Times

As the days grow shorter, and the daily barrage of news seems daunting, it is easy to want to pull the covers over our heads, and be inclined to withdraw a bit from the pressing work in which we are all engaged. And that is ok...December is largely a month to focus on family and personal priorities.

Yet we wanted to share some ways to keep the positive energy and hope flowing throughout the month so that you feel the comfort of belonging to a community, even if presently you are taking a break from the work.

Recently, there have been a number of workshops and coalition meetings focusing on the importance of community and belonging as an antidote to any feelings we may be having of burnout and hopelessness. We hope that IndiMarin is that community for you, and that my having a sense of belonging, and specific ways to take concrete action, we can all keep each other bolstered for the long fight ahead.

Below are five strategies to stay hopeful and positive this month, and in any of the months ahead in 2024 if you feel your spirit is flagging a bit.

💙 💙 💙The IndiMarin Steering Committee - Susan, Betty, Joy, Laurie, Nanda, Andie and Betsy

PS - If you find this newsletter helpful, please forward it to any friends for whom it might also resonate, or share this online link. And then invite them to join us and become part of a community of people taking action to create a more just, caring and inclusive America!


We are what we read! In talking to our volunteers, a key factor that discourages and can demotivate is the negativity of the mainstream news. Over the last several years, the news media, under increasing competition, has resorted to focusing extensively on negative news stories which motivate more clicks and eyeballs than positive, or even realistic, news articles. We at IndiMarin highly recommend any or all of the following Substack authors for a more realistic, and hopeful, take on the news and political dynamics of the day:

o   Simon Rosenberg, the analyst who debunked the red wave in 2022

o   Robert Hubbell, a former attorney who started writing his daughters about the day’s news through a “lens of hope” right after Trump was elected. His newsletter, Today’s Edition, is now read by more than 100,000 Americans daily

o   Heather Cox Richardson, a Boston College History professor who reports on the day’s news and adds the perspective of historical context.


o   Check the IndiMarin calendar for opportunities to gather with like-minded people over a virtual glass of wine or in-person over coffee as we write postcards. Together we stay stronger!

o   Reach out to your own circle of friends and try to bring some of them into our community of people taking action! It’s a very rewarding feeling to draw in a new volunteer. Sign up for our Plus One program to get started.

It’s easy to get into a rut with volunteerism, or to lose sight of how to be helpful. Try to keep your action-taking fresh by trying new things. The Take Action pages of the IndiMarin website are a key tool in this regard. Perhaps make a habit of reviewing all of the web pages at the beginning of each month to see if there is new programming that appeals to you, or something that you haven’t yet tried. Try to have a couple forms of action going on at one time to keep the work fresh and interesting.


Of course, there are times when for a range of reasons, we may all need to take a break from direct action. A good way to “stay in the game” during these periods, is to financially support the work that is continuing in your absence. IndiMarin’s single-click Act Blue link is a one-stop way to support voter outreach work across California by contributing equally to our two key organizing partners: The California Democratic Party (CADEM) and Activate America.

The leadership team at IndiMarin numbers nearly 30 caring, engaged volunteers. We want nothing more than to be a resource, in all ways possible to our valued members. We all sometimes need some personal guidance in our activism from someone who “gets it.” That’s why IndiMarin has kicked off a new resource, “1:1 Check-in with an IndiMarin Leader.” We’d love to connect with more of you, one to one, to help you stay connected, active, and motivated!

Donate strategically, and early, to help Dems win in 2024!

  • Are you inundated by requests to “Chip In” to organizations and candidates?

  • Not sure where and how to invest your money strategically to help get out the vote in key states and districts?

  • Questioning which candidates are truly competitive and whether they actually need more donations? 


IndiMarin does the research and leg work to determine the most effective donation strategy and provides an ActBlue link that will split your donation (small or large) between a range of strategically impactful organizations and later on some candidates. A key focus for us is helping Dems win in the six most competitive CA districts so that we can take back the House!

In general, here are some guidelines for strategic political giving:

1. GIVE EARLY. Now is the time when organizations are hiring staff, getting office space, and planning the scope of their voter outreach.  

2. GIVE MONTHLY. Monthly donations allow organizations and candidates to plan their budgets.

3. GIVE TO VETTED GRASSROOTS GROUPS. These groups know their voters and are working in the swing states and districts that will make a difference.

5. GIVE ANY AMOUNT. No donation is too small. Organizations and candidates gain credibility with large donors by citing how many donors they have.

Currently, in this pre-primary period, we are recommending donations to our two key partners in our voter outreach work - Activate America and the California Democratic Party. Both organization do crucial work across the state of California to bring home wins in the six more competitive Congressional districts here. The road to winning back the House runs through California, so these two groups need our financial support and they need it early to build their organizations even further for the intensity of 2024. IndiMarin has been working with these groups for years and we are confident that every dollar will be used effectively. Your donation will be evenly split between them. DONATE AT THIS LINK AND PLEASE CONSIDER A MONTHLY ALLOCATION. (NOTE: This link will be updated as grassroots organizations develop their strategies and as the primary results narrow the candidate field.)

Thank you for giving as generously as your budget allows to help win back a Democratic trifecta in 2024!

We're grateful for YOU!

Happy Thanksgiving to our wonderful volunteers!

We, the leadership team at IndiMarin, express to each other on a continual basis how grateful we are to have found each other - a community of like-minded people, now friends, who help encourage each other to stay motivated to keep up the hard work of political advocacy and voter engagement to build a more just, caring, and inclusive America. 

This weekend, as we all give thanks for the many aspects of our lives for which we are grateful, we want to be sure to let you know how grateful we are for YOU, our dedicated volunteers. 

Knowing that there are nearly 4,000 people in the IndiMarin community who share the same values, and the same commitment to making our country and the world a better place for our children and grandchildren, helps keep us motivated each day. 

The movement that started following the election of Donald Trump, originally referred to as The Resistance, has continued to grow every year since 2017 and is now a mass movement of engaged citizens who believe that taking action to protect our democracy and our freedoms is a civic responsibility. For a movement to become a mass movement requires mass. And each and every one of you make our mass movement possible, by making the conscious decision to add yourself, your voice and your labor and to the collective effort. TOGETHER we have increasing power and impact for the greater good.

Thank you, from the bottom of our hearts, for being part of the Indivisible Marin community, and part of the broader community of citizens committed to taking action. 

With love and gratitude,
~ The IndiMarin Steering Committee - Susan, Joy, Andie, Nanda, Betsy, Betty, and Laurie

💙 ✊ When we organize, we win!

Good morning to our fabulous family of action-takers!

The mantra one of the greatest organizers of all time, Heather Booth, is, "When we organize, with love at the center, we win." Last night's results were yet another resounding affirmation of her wise words!

Last night was a clean sweep of everything we wanted - and with relatively dominant margins. A few weeks ago, the early vote in VA was terrible grassroots volunteers like us stepped up to the call for increased GOTV phone calls and fundraising, and that made all the difference.

Other wins were the first black congressional representative from Rhode Island, the first black LGTBQ mayor in Philadelphia, a runoff between 2 Dems in Houston, and the first openly transgender state senator in VA and the first out transgender person elected to a state Senate anywhere in the South.

Below are a round up of quotes from news outlets and two of our favorite political commentators. Read on and celebrate the sweetness of this victory, and give yourself a much-deserved pat on the back for any and all actions you took to help these victories become reality.

There is SO much work that lies ahead over the next year, but enjoy today! You've earned it!

With great appreciation,
The IndiMarin Steering Committee - Susan, Laurie, Betty, Betsy, Nanda, Joy, and Andie

Key Quotes:

Axios - "Last night's off-year elections proved the post-Roe staying power of abortion rights to bolster Democrats — even in the red states of Ohio and Kentucky, and in Virginia under Republican Gov. Glenn Youngkin. Abortion rights have won every time they've been on the ballot since the Supreme Court overturned Roe v. Wade last year. The Virginia GOP's failure is a blow for Republicans hoping to prove that what they believe to be a middle ground on abortion will win over voters."

Politico - The results on Tuesday — taken together with a string of special elections throughout the year that showed Democratic candidates outperforming Biden’s vote shares in districts across the country — serve as a powerful counterpoint to the party’s doom-and-gloom over the president’s poll numbers. Democrats’ victories won’t make those polls go away, but they should prompt a rethinking of the current political moment, with a year to go until the next general election.

Simon Rosenberg - Another Big Night - 2023 Has Been A Very Good Year for Democrats
"November 2023 was another remarkable election for Democrats. We’ve been on an extraordinary run since the spring of 2022, and as we all hoped last night saw that strong performance continue across the US. We may end up calling it a blue wave when it is all said and done, as there is lots of evidence of Democratic success down ballot all over the country, including, wonderfully, in school board races against extremist MAGA school board members.

We will have time to dig into the data in the coming days but what is sticking with me most this morning is how much our success is coming from the bottom up, the “Democratic grassroots” (we need a better term - I prefer proud patriots), regular people who’ve decided they are going to do everything they can to ensure that our freedoms and democracy don’t slip away. Over these last few months hundreds of thousands of every day Americans ran for school board, donated, texted, called, postcarded, canvassed, info warriored/spread Hopium, and many many more voted. All of you made this election happen, made our success in elections throughout 2023 happen, made our success in 2022 happen - all of you are doing the work, getting it done, and we are winning, for our country, for democracies and freedom everywhere, for our kids and our grandkids. In a time of enormous challenge for our country, Americans of every stripe are standing up, answering the call and fighting hard. And we are winning my friends, we are winning and I am so proud to be in this fight with all of you."

Robert Hubbell - Turning the Tide of History
"I have begun writing on Tuesday evening before we know the results of several major elections. But this much is clear: The work by grassroots volunteers across the nation has ensured that Democrats can claim victory on Tuesday—the only question is how broad and deep that victory will be. Indications are good, but we must await the result in races that may be decided by a few hundred or thousands of votes.

As we wait, every volunteer and donor who helped make this outcome possible should take a moment to reflect on their part in helping to turn the tide of history. It is often difficult to know “in the moment” what events will matter in the long run. But we know tonight that the collective victories on Tuesday will matter. Together with victories in 2018, 2020, and 2022, Democrats are turning the tide against reactionary forces making a last stand against the march of America toward a more tolerant, just, and progressive nation.

Progress toward a more perfect union is neither inevitable nor easy. It is purchased through the dedication and hard work of millions of Americans who are willing to step outside themselves, to look beyond their self-interest, to be “prophets of a future not their own.” It requires sacrifice, selflessness, vision, courage, and stubborn optimism.

We shape the future by the accretion of small acts of resistance and faith. Postcards. Calls. Texts. Knocks. Yard signs. Registrations. Small donations. Big donations. Zooms. Backyard gatherings. Protests. Letters. Kitchen table conversations. Curing ballots. Litigating. Not being afraid to be seen and heard as a proud Democrat.

To everyone who participated in any way in the victories of Tuesday evening, thank you. As a father and grandfather, thank you. As a husband heading into retirement with his wife, thank you. As a citizen who cares deeply about what our generation will leave to the next, thank you.

Take a deep breath, pat yourself on the back, and reflect for a moment on how you are helping to turn the tide of history."

💙 ✊ 💙 ✊ 💙 ✊ 💙

November 1, 2023

One of our primary national electoral advisors, Simon Rosenberg, is still sounding the alarm re Virginia saying, "In terms of the early vote, we are not where we need to be."

And why does Virginia matter so much with all we are worried about and dealing with right now? It matters immensely because it is a bellwether battlefront in the GOP's relentless pursuit of outlawing reproductive freedom. The governor in VA, if the GOP wins enough legislative seats on November 7, has promised to enact an abortion ban. It will set the stage for the GOP to push for a federal ban in 2024. In the map below, you can see that if VA becomes a state where women can not get an abortion, the entire Southern region of our country will have been taken over by this extremist agenda that is not supported by the vast majority of the American people. Simon's interview on MSNBC with Joy Reid is worth a listen.

Simon's ask, which we echo, is to please consider one or both of these ways to help:

1) MAKE CALLS TO VA VOTERS with Sister District - Shifts taking place every day at multiple times.
DONATE WITH ONE CLICK to a roster of six VA candidates that Simon has endorsed.

Keep in mind, we cannot control the polls which always include a margin of error. We CAN control our margin of effort! And that will make all the difference! Let's do this!

Thank you for your commitment to action to protect our democracy and our freedoms.

~ The IndiMarin Steering Committee - Betty, Andie, Laurie, Joy, Nanda, Betsy, and Susan

It's time to JUMPSTART '24! Please get involved NOW to help Dems win in November

We hope you will join us as we jumpstart our efforts for 2024! Yet again, it is the most important election of our lifetimes. The goal is another trifecta, but this time with sizable enough majorities in both chambers to pass crucial progressive legislation! With the anticipation of very close races up and down the ticket, early voter outreach work is more important than ever!

We have an important opportunity for impact in California which is one of the two most pivotal states in the country in the imperative task of winning back the House. Work in CA must begin early and we must work harder, smarter and more inclusively than ever before! Wherever you live, you can have impact by working to flip House seats in CA!

We recently hosted our Fall kickoff meeting, JUMPSTART ‘24, where we introduced a range of ways to get involved in the early work needed to secure the goal for 2024. If you missed the meeting, we encourage you to watch the
recording or scan through the slides and then go to the Take Action section of our website, select some actions that resonate for you and sign up to get rolling! If you were at the meeting, THANK YOU for coming and please visit the Take Action pages of our website to get started making a difference!

With the anticipation of very close races up and down the ticket, early voter outreach work is more important than ever! Please visit the following links to sign up for IMMEDIATE opportunities for impact:

Phone voters - Sign up for phonebanks with our new partners, Bay Area Coalition and CADEM: All phonebanks include training for newbies and volunteers are reporting having very positive conversations with voters. If you are new to phonebanking and would like some 1:1 coaching with an IndiMarin mentor, sign up here.

Register voters - Sign up for our Field Trip to UCMerced on October 3-4. A group of us already registered students in Modesto a couple of weeks ago and had a GREAT experience. The students were friendly and receptive and we, together with other allied groups registered nearly 200 students in CA-13, a congressional district that Dems lost by just under 600 votes in 2022. We can have major impact with this upcoming Field Trip, and fun too! Click here for more details and to sign up!

Write voters - Sign up to write postcards for Ohio's 11/7/23 Special Election on Abortion Rights. We have a range of options to either write on your home from the comfort of your home, or join an outdoor in-person gathering to write together with fellow volunteers!

Plus One - Recruit a Friend - We’re hoping all of you will take this action in addition to doing voter outreach work!  By doubling our numbers, we will double our impact.

We’re excited to get rolling with you all to help bring about a trifecta in 2024 to protect our democracy and our freedoms!

Opportunities to stay cool while helping Dems prep for 2024 elections

Hello wonderful IndiMarin volunteers!

As you know, IndiMarin has decided to take a semi-hiatus this summer to restore and rejuvenate in advance of the intense year ahead of the 2024 elections -  we're calling it "IndiMarin Lite." If that is working well for you, we encourage you to follow your instincts on what is right for you.

However, we're hearing from some members that staying somewhat active in our ongoing work is of interest and we want to support that attitude and desire! Plus, with a very hot weekend ahead, it may be a good chance to chill indoors and jump onto some impactful zooms! ☀️🥵

Impressively, the California Democratic Party (CADEM) if off to a very early start with some great phone banks and text banks designed to have conversations with voters in key districts about issues and listen as much as talk. IndiMarin team leaders have tested out both the phone and textbanks and have had a very positive experience engaging with voters. The Central Valley includes two of the most flippable districts in the state - CA-13 and CA 22 - and voter outreach there is a great way to have early impact!

Call Voters in CA-13 -
These virtual phone banks will inform Valley voters about the issues and encourage them to get involved. Whether it’s your first time making calls or you’re a veteran phone banker, you can help! You will need a computer/laptop and your phone to make the calls. Training is provided. Sign up here. For additional phonebanks in other CA districts and a range of time offerings, visit our Phone Voters page.

Text Voters in CA District 22 
- Join volunteers from around the South Central Valley to text young voters ages 18-30 about the issues that matter to them. Training is provided. Sign up here.

We also have some IndiMarin events planned throughout the summer to keep our community connected and active! 

We are excited to host summer outdoor postcarding in person events - we would love to have you join us!

  • “Write to Win” group postcarding at Panera Bread in Novato - Every other Tuesday at 10 AM. RSVP HERE

  • “Wine & Sign Postcarding” in Lucas Valley - 7/20 and 8/17 at 5:30 PM - RSVP HERE.

WRITING ON YOUR OWN: The Ohio Republican legislature has placed an issue on the ballot to increase the threshold for passing ballot measures from 50% to an extremely daunting 60%. The impetus: They are hoping to kill a November ballot measure protecting abortion rights that is supported by the majority of Ohio voters. Like other state votes on abortion, this race will be closely followed and covered by the media as a sign to watch in advance of the 2024 elections!


NOTE: We will continue to offer voter registration postcarding throughout July. Our July in person postcarding events will feature the Ohio campaign.


  • Monthly Zoom Happy Hours the first Thursday of the month at 5 PM PT  - If you just want to check in and talk politics, please join us at our monthly Zoom Happy Hours. Hear the latest news and share movie recommendations. RSVP HERE.

  •  And finally, SAVE THE DATE for our 2024 Kick Off where we will launch our 2024 programs - September 6 at 5 PM: RSVP HERE.

As always, please reach out to us if you have any questions! Have a wonderful summer! 

The IndiMarin Steering Committee - Susan, Laurie, Joy, Betsy, Amy, Nanda, Betty and Andie

Phonebank to prevent the MAGA dafault!

Kevin McCarthy has allowed MAGA-Republicans like Matt Gaetz to take over the Republican party and control vital pieces of their platform and agenda. Now, we are facing the threat of defaulting on our debts for the first time in American history due to those same extremists holding our economy hostage.

Join Indivisible National for a phonebank into Unrepresentative districts this Wednesday, May 17 at 1pm ET/10 am PT.  The Unrepresentatives are the 18 Republican Members of Congress who represent districts that Biden won in 2020. They are uniquely vulnerable to persuasion from their constituents because they know that their re-election campaigns will sit on a razor’s edge of possibility.

This is where you come in! Time is tight, and we need everyone to take action in order to prevent a default that would hurt our seniors, our schools, our veterans, and our economy.

At this phonebank, you will be calling into Unrepresentative districts to talk to voters about how MAGA Republicans are trying to slash over 100,000 K-12 teachers’ jobs and cut healthcare for seniors and disabled children. At the end, we’ll connect them directly through to their Reps and encourage them to speak up to the people elected to represent them. We need to make sure that the voters in those districts are activated and loud, so their representatives know exactly what is going to happen if they choose to allow a default -- they will be voted out. 

We hope you will join Indivisible National this Wednesday May 17 at 1pm ET/10am PT for this phonebank into Unrepresentative districts.

And we'd love to hear from you afterwards about how it went. Please drop us a line at 

Thanks for all you do for our country and our democracy!

~ The IndiMarin Phone Team - Amy, Betty, Susan, David, Jane M, Neal, Angela, Laurie, Betsy, Jane B, Anne, and Giselle

Hello CA Volunteers!

We are pleased to announce that IndiMarin is hosting our new Assemblymember, Damon Connolly, in a "Virtual Conversation" this Thursday, May 18 from 5 - 6 PM. SIGN UP HERE!

California, as it often has, will likely lead the nation in addressing challenges such as climate change, affordable housing, mass transit, and public education. Join us in conversation with Assemblymember Connolly to hear how he defines and plans to address these crucial issues of our time.

Connolly has served as a school board member, city council member, county supervisor, and now state assembly member. In the past, he applied state laws at the local level to solve problems, and he’s seen what works for the people and what doesn’t. Now he has the opportunity to shape the laws that shape the lives of Californians.

In fact, Assemblymember Connolly is already making a big impact in opposing a terrible bill which would regionalize California's electric grid and tie our climate agenda to that of neighboring coal-dependent states like coal-burning states like Wyoming, Utah and Montana. Read this Marin IJ op-ed by IndiMarin founder Susan Morgan to learn more. 

Please come to hear from Damon Connolly and to ask your questions. SIGN UP HERE!

~ The IndiMarin Steering Committee - Amy, Betsy, Betty, Joy, Andie, Nanda, Laurie and Susan

A bright line has been crossed - Stand with the Tennessee representatives!

This week has brought us many sweet victories. But it ends with a 5 alarm fire for our democracy. We must rise up and respond.

Yesterday, at a State House in America, two duly elected Representatives, Justin Jones and Justin Pearson who are both Black men, were expelled by the Republican majority for exercising their right to free speech in joining protests, along with their constituents, advocating for gun reform laws. This unprecedented action left 130,000 citizens in Tennessee without representation. A third representative, Gloria Johnson, who is a white woman and also joined protests, was not expelled.

For context, it is important to recall that in 2016, dozens of Members of the U.S Congress, led by Congressman John Lewis, staged a sit-in on the House floor in protest of the GOP leadership’s refusal to allow a vote on a gun control measure following the mass shooting at Pulse, a gay nightclub in Orlando.

Both Justin Jones and Justin Pearson plan to re-run for their seats immediately. Senator Chris Murphy has created a fundraising page that will split the money raised evenly between the two. Any small amount will send a signal that we stand by the Justins and upholding our democratic norms. DONATE HERE.

Also, please take two minutes to watch Representative Jones' passionate remarks following his expulsion.

Yesterday's events underscore the urgency and relentlessness of our fight. In the words of the late great Congressman Lewis," Do not get lost in a sea of despair. Be hopeful, be optimistic. Our struggle is not the struggle of a day, a week, a month, or a year, it is the struggle of a lifetime. Never, ever be afraid to make some noise and get in good trouble, necessary trouble.”

Will you give $24 to help IndiMarin volunteers contribute to victories in '24?

It's been well over a year...maybe close to two, since we've asked our volunteers for financial support. That's how we like it. We run our operations on a shoestring budget, and don't like to ask you for money when our focus is to ask you to take action.

But we do have expenses to "keep the lights on" and we'd also like to have extra funds to launch new programs in 2023 in preparation for 2024. This year, our focus is to work strategically and impactfully to register voters and build the Democratic base to achieve victories in the House, Senate and White House in 2024. 

If we, together with other committed volunteers across the country, achieve this goal, we will make possible the passage of legislation about which which we care so deeply - reproductive rights, voting rights, democracy reforms, climate change and human infrastructure to improve the lives of all Americans.

We'd be most grateful if you'd consider donating $24 to help fund our work this year and next. If enough of you chip in, you won't get a fundraising email from us for another couple of years. We promise! DONATE HERE.

Thank you for the many ways you contribute to our efforts at Indivisible Marin to help build a more just, caring and inclusive America. 

Announcing new programs - Our volunteers spoke, and we listened!

We are FINALLY on the brink of spring and happy to announce some exciting new programming for 2023.

So far this year, campaigning for the all-important Wisconsin Supreme Court election has kept us busy! A big thanks to all of you who have made phone calls and written postcards for this effort. Our phonebanks continue right up to election day on April 4 and callers report that Wisconsin voters really appreciate the reminder calls! Sign up here to make calls to friendly Wisconsins on Saturdays from 10 - 11:30 PT!

We also hosted two Listening Sessions in February. You spoke and we listened! Both sessions helped inform our planning of strategic ways for volunteers to take action in 2023. Thanks to all who participated!

A key takeaway from the Listening Sessions is that the most important way IndiMarin can support our volunteers' political engagement is by providing opportunities for action. Below are results of the Zoom poll we took during the sessions.

In response to this feedback, we are launching the IndiMarin Take Five Team which is designed to provide our volunteers with quick, easy actions to do good. If you join the team, you will receive action alerts about once a week, more or less. Each alert will give you a few choices of actions you can take in five minutes - things like sending an email or making a phone call to an elected official or corporate leader, posting a comment to a governmental agency etc. We'll provide you with the needed links, numbers and some optional talking points. Will you take five for good once a week? SIGN UP HERE!

A second takeaway is that volunteers are enthused about the idea of a Zoom Happy Hour, potentially monthly.

So.....you guessed it, we've planned our first Zoom Happy Hour on Thursday, April 6 from 5 - 6 PM PT. We hope you'll join IndiMarin leaders and fellow volunteers for an informal hour of political conversation over a glass of wine or your beverage of choice. It will be a chance to share thoughts about recent news and get to know other volunteers. We'll facilitate the conversation to give as many people as possible a chance to chime in and to keep the conversation lively:) No worries, if you can't make it at 5 on the dot, just join when you can. Hope to see you there! 🍷 SIGN UP HERE.

We're excited about the coming spring, renewed energy, and new ways to make a difference We hope you are too.

Please feel free to write us at info@indivisiblemarin.org with any additional input or ideas. We always love to hear from our volunteers!

RSVP by 3/17: Let’s show up for our fab Congressman, Jared Huffman

Hello awesome IndiMarin Volunteers!

On Tuesday, March 21st from 5:30 pm (PDT) - 6:30 pm (PDT) Congressman Huffman will be holding an in-person Town Hall at the Marin County Board of Supervisors' Chambers at the Marin County Civic Center. Rep. Huffman will provide an update from Washington D.C. and take questions from participants. RSVP HERE.

The Town Hall will also be streamed virtually at youtube.com/rephuffman, on Marin TV’s Education Channel (Comcast Ch 30 and AT&T Ch 99) and streaming online at https://cmcm.tv/30.

However, we are encouraging our volunteers to show up at the in-person Town Hall as a show of support for Congressman Huffman who is aligned with the values of IndiMarin and a warrior in Congress in the fight to protect our planet. His last public town hall in 2021 was stormed and disrupted by anti-vaccine and pro-Donald Trump protesters. Let’s make sure that supporters vastly outnumber any potential disruptors at this upcoming event!

A few recent highlights of his accomplishments include:

Speaking out against Willow - In response to the the Administration’s decision on Monday to approve the Willow Project, a 30-year oil drilling project in Alaska that would produce 576 million barrels of oil and spur the equivalent of 239 million metric tons of carbon dioxide emissions over its lifetime, Congressman Huffman joined fellow progressive lawmakers Sen. Ed Markey (D-Mass) and Reps. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-N.Y.) and Raúl Grijalva (D-Ariz.) in blasting the Administration’s decision in a joint statement. “The Biden administration has committed to fighting climate change and advancing environmental justice—today’s decision to approve the Willow project fails to live up to those promises,” they said.

Re-introduced Arctic Refuge Protection Act - Congressman Huffman recently re-introduced his bill that would restore critical protections to the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge (ANWR). The Arctic Refuge Protection Act would permanently halt any new oil and gas leasing, exploration, and drilling on the Coastal Plain of the Arctic Refuge, as well as safeguard the subsistence rights of the Arctic Indigenous Peoples who depend on this pristine and unique ecosystem.  

Goals for this Congress - “We must expand voting rights, codify the right to abortion, and advocate for health care as a human right. Although House Democrats are now in the minority, I am committed to standing up to Republican extremism, including guarding against any attempts to force a default on the debt limit or gut Social Security and Medicare. The state of our union is strong and getting better, but we certainly can’t take our foot off the pedal. It’s time to focus on implementing those transformative laws, building on our successes, and defending our democracy—because that is what makes all this progress possible.”

Why he’s not running for Senate - “The truth is I think I’ve got the greatest job in the world,” Huffman said. “I’m excited about the kind of difference I’m starting to make because I’m getting good at it. I’m finding myself in more senior positions of influence. I’m really not interested in being distracted by ambition.”

One more reason to love our Congressman - How many other Members of Congress can hold their own performing guitar and vocals on stage with the Phil Lesh of the Grateful Dead? Not many, or any, we would venture to guess:)

We hope to see you at the Town Hall!

The IndiMarin Steering Committee - Betsy, Betty, Amy, Nanda, Joy, Andie, Laurie and Susan

We'd love for you to join an upcoming IndiMarin Listening Session!

Hello IndiMarin Volunteers!

We hope you will sign up for one or both of our upcoming "Listening Sessions" on Sunday, February 19 and 26 at 4 PM PT. SIGN UP HERE. Please also see the additional upcoming events at the end of this email.

As the Leadership Team at IndiMarin begins to plan a range of strategic ways for our volunteers to take action in 2023, we want to hear from YOU! What do you think should be on the list of priorities?

Some early ideas we've brainstormed include ways to push back on MAGA extremism in Congress, spread pro-democrat messaging via social media, and prepare for 2024 by registering voters and doing deep-canvassing. And what about an informal Zoom Happy Hour to chat about politics with like-minded peeps from around the country? 

BUT, we really want to hear from all of you FIRST before making decisions!

What work will resonate and be meaningful for you in 2023? What do you think of the short list of ideas above? Do you have additional ideas? What is working or not working for you as a volunteer with IndiMarin?

Please join us to share your thoughts, or just come and listen to what other volunteers have to say! The call will be moderated to ensure that the maximum number of people have time to speak! SIGN UP HERE.

We are excited about continuing our work together in 2023 to fulfill our mission to taking action to help build a more just, caring and inclusive America!

~ The IndiMarin Steering Committee - Betsy, Amy, Nanda, Betty, Joy, Laurie, Andie and Susan


Make Calls to Flip the Wisconsin Supreme Court with IndiMarin - Every Saturday through April 1 - SIGN UP HEREThe stakes couldn’t be higher for this year's Wisconsin Supreme Court election. Help us flip the court to a progressive majority by making calls to WI Democrats, encouraging them to vote early in what a New York Times reporter calls “the most important election in America in 2023.” Voting rights, abortion rights, redistricting, and election subversion cases will be determined by this election – and the 2024 presidential election could hinge on it all. Please join us, as we partner with the Democratic Party of Wisconsin, to call Wisconsin voters ahead of the open primary on February 21st and the general election on April 4th. You’ll have a choice of two user-friendly platforms – Hubdialer or OpenVPB. If you are new to phonebanking, our friendly mentors will get you started.

WRITE TO WIN at Panera Bread in Novato - Tuesdays, 2/21, 3/7, and 3/21 from 10 - 11:30 AM - SIGN UP HEREFor our local peeps, please join us for our in-person writing gathering. It's a great way to enjoy a cup of coffee outdoors, chat with other members and do some good all at the same time. We are writing to register Democratic voters in Wisconsin in advance of their important Supreme Court election this spring. All materials are provided. Just bring yourself:) An optional donation of $5 to cover postage is appreciated.

Announcing IndiMarin Listening Sessions plus other events of interest!

Hello IndiMarin Volunteers!

Hopefully, you've had a chance to catch your breath following a jam-packed 2022 and the holiday season. We at IndiMarin are ready to start plunging back into political action and hope you are too!

We especially hope you will sign up for one or both of our upcoming "Listening Sessions" on Sunday, February 19 and 26 at 4 PM PT.  SIGN UP HERE.

As the Leadership Team at IndiMarin begins to plan a range of strategic ways for our volunteers to take action in 2023, we want to hear from YOU! What do you think should be on the list of priorities?

Some early ideas we've brainstormed include ways to push back on MAGA extremism in Congress, spread pro-democrat messaging via social media, and prepare for 2024 by registering voters and doing deep-canvassing.

But we really want to hear from all of you FIRST before making decisions!

What work will resonate and be meaningful for you in 2023? What do you think of the short list of ideas above? Do you have additional ideas? What is working or not working for you as a volunteer with IndiMarin?

Please join us to share your thoughts, or just come and listen to what other volunteers have to say! The call will be moderated to ensure that the maximum number of people have time to speak! SIGN UP HERE.

As a warm up, we've also listed below some interesting sounding events hosted by allied groups. Note that two are tomorrow! 

We are excited about getting rolling in 2023 and hope to see you at a Listening Session!

~ The IndiMarin Steering Committee - Betsy, Amy, Nanda, Betty, Joy, Laurie, Andie and Susan


INDIVISIBLE NATIONAL - Deep Dive on the New Guide: Our 2023 Guide Launch Call
Thursday, January 26 at 5 PM PT - 
At Indivisible, a new Congress means it’s time for a new Indivisible Guide. Join us for the formal launch of Indivisible: A Practical Guide to Defeating MAGA, where we’ll break down just exactly how to activate on our new strategy in 2023, whether you live in a community that’s red, blue, or something in between.

RED WINE & BLUE - Troublemaker Training Messaging 101 - Talking Politics with Friends

Thursday, January 26, 4:30 PM - 5:30 PM PT - SIGN UP HERE
In order to defeat right-wing extremism, we need to be able to effectively talk to our friends about the issues. Want a little help having effective and persuasive conversations? We got you! Join us to hear from Jess McIntosh, a communication strategist, CNN commentator and former host of Signal Boost. She can help you with tips and advice on what to say (and what not to say) and how to connect with others.

THE MEDIA AND DEMOCRACY PROJECT - What Activists Can do: Fix Media Now
Monday, February 6 and 20 from 4 - 5:30 PM PT - 
Join the Media and Democracy Project to better understand and respond to the factors that influence public opinion, voters and democracy. Each session we will activate on a current information-related subject to help Fix Media Now. We develop and distribute skills to navigate the Information War on truth and democracy. We engage in actions to directly improve the quality of public information such as messaging, fighting disinformation, engaging in media accountability and in growing support for local journalism.

NORTHRIDGE INDIVISIBLE - Practical Guide to Defeating MAGA with Ezra Levin, Co-founder of Indivisible National 
Wednesday, February 8 at 7:30 PT - 
Northridge Indivisible is proud to present our special guest, Ezra Levin, Co-Founder of Indivisible, to personally walk us through Indivisible's Practical Guide to Defeat MAGA and our path to victory.

Honoring Nancy

This past week we watched a spectacle that would never have happened during Speaker Pelosi's superb leadership. In fact, she won won nine consecutive leadership elections on the first ballot, and was well known for her vote-counting abilities which prevented her from ever bringing votes to the floor that she was not convinced would be won.

We want to share with you all a moving letter that Speaker Pelosi sent earlier this week to us, and thousands like us, to whom she refers as "our volunteers in policy and politics who make everything possible." It is at the bottom of this email.

Biden in a statement called Pelosi "the most consequential speaker of the House of Representatives in our history." Former President Obama stated, "She never stopped defending democracy here at home and around the world.”

We also highly recommend a new documentary about Speaker Pelosi, make by her daughter, acclaimed documentarian Alexandra Pelosi. It offers a candid, behind-the-scenes chronicle of the life of her mother and Speaker of the United States House of Representatives, Nancy Pelosi, through her career milestones leading up to the inauguration of President Joseph Biden in January 2021. Filmed over the course of three decades, PELOSI IN THE HOUSE provides a unique, longitudinal window into the life of this true heroine of American politics. The film is streaming on HBO Max with a free trial period offered to new members. WATCH TRAILER. 

Nancy, we at IndiMarin will miss you dearly, but will strive to honor your legacy in our ongoing efforts to preserve and protect our democracy, and to act in service of the greater good and the best interests of the American people.

Dear Friend,

Today, I write with a grateful heart to express my appreciation for the high honor bestowed upon me to serve as Speaker of the House.  I am humbled by the faith placed in me by the House Democratic Caucus — the greatest collection of intellect, integrity and imagination assembled for the good of the American people.  I am thankful to the people of San Francisco whom I will continue to serve, striving to honor the call of the patron saint of our city, Saint Francis: “Lord, make me an instrument of thy peace.”

As we begin a new year, a new chapter and a new Congress, I am thrilled and committed to supporting the next generation of Democratic leaders and I am deeply appreciative of you, our volunteers in policy and politics who make everything possible. 

Your outside mobilization helped courageous House Democrats advance transformative legislation to make progress in people’s lives – creating jobs, lowering health care costs, investing in climate action, helping veterans and military families access lifesaving cancer care and defending our freedoms and Democracy at home and around the world. You made a real difference for America’s working families. I continue to draw strength from you.

With gratitude and hope for a healthy and Happy New Year,


IndiMarin is rolling again with some ways to do good on these rainy days

Happy New Year and welcome to 2023!  After a short break, IndiMarin is diving back with some great actions you can take during this rainy week ahead.

With the midterms thankfully behind us, many of the opportunities for us to fulfill IndiMarin's mission of "taking action to create a more just, caring and inclusive America" will take place at the state-level. Helping strengthen our Democratic base in all states is a very important way to preserve our democracy and make it work better for every American.  

If you are new to postcard writing or phonebanking, both of the opportunities below are great ways to jump in and get involved. It you are a veteran of these programs, your experience will be valuable.

Write postcards for a pivotal election for Supreme Court Justice in Wisconsin
Wisconsin has an election on April 4, 2023 with a Supreme Court race that has enormous implications for the 2024 presidential and Wisconsin Senate elections. Currently, Wisconsin's Supreme Court has a Republican majority. If we can flip this seat, the court will be able to support expanded voting rights, protect election integrity, and reject gerrymandering, thus strengthening chances for Democratic candidate victories. The primary for that election is February 21 and the deadline for the postcards is January 26, at the latest. You can request the script and addresses via email, of pick up packets if you live in or near Marin. Click here to go to our webpage for all links to sign up to participate.

Phonebanking with our partner Swing Left for a special election in Virginia
Remember how the Republican Glenn Youngkin narrowly won the Virginia Governor’s race in 2021? Now Dems need as many seats as possible in the state legislature to fight his campaigns to ban abortions after 15 weeks and oppose vaccine and mask mandates.

Now, Swing Left is offering a great phonebank opportunity via Swing Left to support Aaron Rouse who is running in a special election next week in Virginia’s 7th State Senate District. The Dems have a small majority (+3) in the State Senate and Aaron Rouse would make it +4.

They are well-organized phonebanks in which volunteers call likely voters to tell them about early voting which ends this Saturday, and Election Day which is next Tuesday, Jan 10. The phonebanking platform is “Scale to Win” which is very easy to use and connects you directly to voters - NO voicemail. Our phone mentors tested out the phonebanks and the voters reached were gracious, and mainly Dems who wanted the information on voting locations and times.

If you’d like to get involved, there are a dozen time slots open between now and Tuesday. Sign up here.

Here's to an active and productive 2023!

Every vote mattered last night! Thank you for your vital contributions!

Hello Amazing Volunteers!

It is elections like last night's that underscore the vital nature of our work together. While mind-numbing that an imminently qualified candidate could be seriously challenged by a thoroughly unqualified candidate, this race proved to be a hard-fought contest in which every vote counted. This means that every phone call, postcard, text, door knock, and dollar also counted. Everyone who contributed their time and/or their financial support deserves to be proud and gratified. THANK YOU!

The inspiring political commentator, Robert Hubbell, summed it up well. "There are plenty of lessons to be drawn from the midterms (and the Georgia runoff), but the most important lesson is that we control our destiny despite the defeatist narrative favored by the media."

Hubbell also gave a much deserved shout-out to the people of Georgia. "No reflection on Senator Warnock’s victory would be complete without acknowledging the sacrifice of Georgia voters who stood for hours in the rain to exercise a right that should not be contingent on completing an endurance contest and obstacle course. Despite Senator Warnock’s victory, voter suppression is alive and well in Georgia. All Americans owe Georgia voters a debt of gratitude for their determination and constancy in the face of suppression."

Senator Warnock's life story, capped by last night's victory through which he will remain part of a stunningly small group: Of the more than 2,000 people who have served in the United States Senate, only 11 have been Black. Of the Senate’s 100 current members, just three are Black. In his victory speech he thanked his mother, saying, "She grew up in the 1950s in Waycross, Ga., picking somebody else’s cotton and somebody else’s tobacco. But tonight she helped pick her youngest son to be a United States senator.”

This 51st seat is crucial for Dems over the next two years! The 51-49 split means Democrats can break free from the power-sharing agreement that has governed the Senate for the past two years and take full control of committees, giving the party unfettered subpoena power and fewer hurdles to confirming judicial nominees.

The lack of a tied Senate will also free up tie-breaking VP Kamala Harris’ schedule, diminish the power of centrist Senators Joe Manchin and Kyrsten Sinema, and give Democrats a much-needed cushion as we seek to protect their Senate majority against a challenging map in 2024.

Thank you for all your hard work to make possible this historic win and increased opportunities for the Democratic agenda moving forward!

PS - Hope to see you tomorrow, 12/8 at 2:30 PM PT for the final recap session of our popular series, "Midterms '22: The State of Play. Sign up here. 

The IndiMarin Steering Committee - Joy, Andie, Amy, Betsy, Betty, Laurie and Susan

We helped save democracy! Now on to Georgia!

Dear amazing IndiMarin Volunteers,

What a week it has been! From the relief on November 8 that the much ballyhooed red wave was a media-driven miscalculation, to the glorious news that we will retain Senate control and the clear repudiation of election deniers like Kari Lake, voters across America affirmed that they support democracy, individual freedoms and candidates with integrity.

As Senate Majority Schumer said, the midterm elections were a “vindication” for Democrats and their agenda thanks to the American people’s rejection of “antidemocratic extremist MAGA Republicans."

At IndiMarin, we are proud of our efforts in support of Catherine Cortez Masto and John Fetterman. We sent 17,000 postcards for Cortez Masto and made countless phone calls for her and John Fetterman, both crucial Senate wins. We also worked our hearts out for numerous CA Congressional candidates and are waiting for those results with fingers and toes crossed. Thanks to all of you who participated!

Now all eyes turn to the Georgia Senate runoff. With Republicans demoralized and Democrats enthusiastic, now’s the time to seize this momentum! 

A Warnock victory would be a decisive win against MAGA extremism and give President Biden the cushion he needs to nominate judges and cabinet officials who reflect our values and who will work to protect our democracy. With a challenging Senate map up ahead in 2024, a Georgia victory would lock in a Democratic Senate seat for six years and would make it more likely that we hold our Senate majority into the future. It matters a lot who wins this election, and you can help. 

IndiMarin has developed a comprehensive offering of tactics for our volunteers to participate in ways that work with their availability, preferences and budget. Options include 1) Phonebanks and Anytime Calling, 2) Writing postcards, 3) Texting voters, and 4) Financially supporting the effort on the ground in Georgia. Time is of the essence, so please jump in today!

Our calls are made through an automated dialer, so no need to use your phone. If you are new to phonebanking, our friendly mentors will get you started. Once you are comfortable, you can make calls on your own time in addition to calling at our phonebanks. Sign-up for as many times as you can, then you can rest easy knowing you’ve done all you could for our country!

  • Sign up here for our Phonebanks on Saturdays from 9:30am - 11:30am PT, Wednesdays from 12pm - 1pm PT, and Election Day (December 6th) from 9:30am - 11:30am PT.

  • Make "Anytime Calls" on your own schedule as often as possible.

  • The Activate America dialing platform is open daily (except holidays), so you can sign up here to receive all of the links you need to make calls on your own.

  • Watch this four minute video to see how easy it is!

We have three options for writing postcards to voters in Georgia. The mailing deadline is November 25th. Both online and pre-made packet requests are limited to 40 addresses at a time. Feel free to request more when your first batch is complete.

  • Online: Please collect your own supplies first and then request addresses and script.

  • Packet Pick Up: For our local volunteers, pre-assembled packets are available for pick up in two Marin locations - Greenbrae and Novato. We request a $5 donation to cover our costs. Sign up to pick up packets.

  • Postcarding in a group - Join us at Panera Bread in Novato on Tuesday, November 15th at 10 AM. RSVP here


We've created another one-step way to strategically donate to support a win for Warnock! Click to donate at this ActBlue link ,"One & Done to Gain One More Senate Seat: Strategically Support Raphael Warnock's Reelection!" Your donation will support in equal parts:

  • Airlift to Georgia 2022 - Our ongoing fundraising partner, Airlift, has a special runoff effort which is supporting a consortium supporting 26 grassroots organizing groups ready to knock on more than 3 million high-priority doors in the next 3+ weeks.

  • Activate America - Our ongoing voter outreach partner is funding the use of CallHub, an excellent calling platform for out-of-state volunteers, as well as postcarding and texting programs.

  • Senator Warnock's campaign for TV ads and other mass communications efforts.

Thank you, thank you for your amazing work thus far and the work we know you will do again. Let's go win this! ✊ ✊ ✊