Below are a round up of quotes from news outlets and two of our favorite political commentators. Read on and celebrate the sweetness of this victory, and give yourself a much-deserved pat on the back for any and all actions you took to help these victories become reality.
There is SO much work that lies ahead over the next year, but enjoy today! You've earned it!
With great appreciation,
The IndiMarin Steering Committee - Susan, Laurie, Betty, Betsy, Nanda, Joy, and Andie
Key Quotes:
Axios - "Last night's off-year elections proved the post-Roe staying power of abortion rights to bolster Democrats — even in the red states of Ohio and Kentucky, and in Virginia under Republican Gov. Glenn Youngkin. Abortion rights have won every time they've been on the ballot since the Supreme Court overturned Roe v. Wade last year. The Virginia GOP's failure is a blow for Republicans hoping to prove that what they believe to be a middle ground on abortion will win over voters."
Politico - The results on Tuesday — taken together with a string of special elections throughout the year that showed Democratic candidates outperforming Biden’s vote shares in districts across the country — serve as a powerful counterpoint to the party’s doom-and-gloom over the president’s poll numbers. Democrats’ victories won’t make those polls go away, but they should prompt a rethinking of the current political moment, with a year to go until the next general election.
Simon Rosenberg - Another Big Night - 2023 Has Been A Very Good Year for Democrats
"November 2023 was another remarkable election for Democrats. We’ve been on an extraordinary run since the spring of 2022, and as we all hoped last night saw that strong performance continue across the US. We may end up calling it a blue wave when it is all said and done, as there is lots of evidence of Democratic success down ballot all over the country, including, wonderfully, in school board races against extremist MAGA school board members.
We will have time to dig into the data in the coming days but what is sticking with me most this morning is how much our success is coming from the bottom up, the “Democratic grassroots” (we need a better term - I prefer proud patriots), regular people who’ve decided they are going to do everything they can to ensure that our freedoms and democracy don’t slip away. Over these last few months hundreds of thousands of every day Americans ran for school board, donated, texted, called, postcarded, canvassed, info warriored/spread Hopium, and many many more voted. All of you made this election happen, made our success in elections throughout 2023 happen, made our success in 2022 happen - all of you are doing the work, getting it done, and we are winning, for our country, for democracies and freedom everywhere, for our kids and our grandkids. In a time of enormous challenge for our country, Americans of every stripe are standing up, answering the call and fighting hard. And we are winning my friends, we are winning and I am so proud to be in this fight with all of you."
Robert Hubbell - Turning the Tide of History
"I have begun writing on Tuesday evening before we know the results of several major elections. But this much is clear: The work by grassroots volunteers across the nation has ensured that Democrats can claim victory on Tuesday—the only question is how broad and deep that victory will be. Indications are good, but we must await the result in races that may be decided by a few hundred or thousands of votes.
As we wait, every volunteer and donor who helped make this outcome possible should take a moment to reflect on their part in helping to turn the tide of history. It is often difficult to know “in the moment” what events will matter in the long run. But we know tonight that the collective victories on Tuesday will matter. Together with victories in 2018, 2020, and 2022, Democrats are turning the tide against reactionary forces making a last stand against the march of America toward a more tolerant, just, and progressive nation.
Progress toward a more perfect union is neither inevitable nor easy. It is purchased through the dedication and hard work of millions of Americans who are willing to step outside themselves, to look beyond their self-interest, to be “prophets of a future not their own.” It requires sacrifice, selflessness, vision, courage, and stubborn optimism.
We shape the future by the accretion of small acts of resistance and faith. Postcards. Calls. Texts. Knocks. Yard signs. Registrations. Small donations. Big donations. Zooms. Backyard gatherings. Protests. Letters. Kitchen table conversations. Curing ballots. Litigating. Not being afraid to be seen and heard as a proud Democrat.
To everyone who participated in any way in the victories of Tuesday evening, thank you. As a father and grandfather, thank you. As a husband heading into retirement with his wife, thank you. As a citizen who cares deeply about what our generation will leave to the next, thank you.
Take a deep breath, pat yourself on the back, and reflect for a moment on how you are helping to turn the tide of history."
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